We're so cool, it hurts.

Friday, August 24, 2001

Hold your breath no more...Jo has arrived! Hellooooo to everyone...thanks so much to Kate for starting this thing and inviting me in...I feel very welcome and loved! And YES, I will most likely pour my heart and soul into this thing as my schedule will allow it. I've already loved reading everyone else's postings.

Anyhoo...so you've got this huge plate of yummy pasta and chicken in front of you. You're starving. You've been at school for 5 hours working on school related things and it's SUMMER, and all you want to do is it. A plate of scrumptious food is all you need right now. You lean in with the fork, eyes closed, and ready to inhale the delicious steam rising from the plate when...DAMMIT! You can't smell squat! And then you remember: you're sick, with a cold that has left your senses numb. That would be me right now. It sucks.

Thus explains why I am one of the last to post on Random-osity. I've been sick for a day or two and haven't felt like staying up past 8pm. But now I'm here, and ready to go! Tomorrow, I'll be going to Los Altos to help out this chick who graduated from Moreau in '95. She wanted three cross country people to help out, and she's paying us 25 dollars an hour. WOW...and I didn't even have to get a degree in anything! Furthermore, she called me and told me to feel free to bring a swimsuit; it's a pool party. She says that after we finish preparing the food and doing some grilling, we can hop in the water. Hmmm...I think i'll just sit and watch.

More on this tomorrow, after it happens. Until then, GOOD NIGHT! I'm ready to go dope myself up with some NyQuil ("the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever so you can rest and have a good morning medicine"....that is 10% alcohol! No wonder it knocks you out....)


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