We're so cool, it hurts.

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

So, depsite her better judgement, Gina has decided to, in fact, contribute to this project o' mine. Let's all [all = the 2 people who are actually reading this..."2 people" = me & gina] give her a round of applause!!

So, big plans for tomorrow:
I have to go to a meeting for work regarding customer service. "What is the name of this meeting?", you ask. "The Power of Yes." It almost seems like it's a convention on submission vs. domination. Oh well, I get paid for it. Apparently the customer service our company has to offer has diminished in recent times. I work at Long's Drugs, by the by. It's a cool place, great discount! I once bought aloe vera gel that was regularly priced at $6.99 for a mere $2.54..NO LIE. So, anytime you find yourself in the need for aloe vera gel and quick, come find me and I'll hook ya up.
Other than that, Gina & I are going to see Ghost World. Which stars the one, the only BRAD RENFRO. I used to love that boy soo much (as much as humanly possible for a twelve year old who had never met him, that is.)
Anyway, I have to go. Time to make some half-assed templates for Yearbook that I told my advisor I made a week ago.


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