Alright, so this is going to be a pretty half-assed post. I apologize profusely. I haven't posted in a week, simply because I've been too f-ing busy lately. There's just too many rooms to be cleaned, homework to be done, and work shifts to be..well, worked. So yea, there's my excuses. Anyway, I'm going to Fresno today after school. There are two reasons: one, my dad's family lives down there, and two, I'm going to look at Fresno State. As much as I've bad-mouthed Fresno and it's surrounding areas in the past, I am honestly very interested in going to college there. You see, at Fresno, I would try to get into this honors school, Smittcamp Family Honor's College. And they, the good people at Smittcamp, would basically pay me to go to school. We're talking full ride, free room & board, annual tuitions for books and such, and a free Apple IMac GBook [or something to that effect, I don't know the specifics.] Plus they have a limit of 35 students in every class and you're guaranteed to graduate with honors. You see why I'm interested? The only drawbacks are that no one I know is also interested in going there, the weather is pretty much that of hell itself, and Fresno is just.....well, it's Fresno. Anyway, the lunch bell is minutes away from ringing, so, to all: have a great weekend and be good.
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