Hello! I haven't blogged in a while! I would first of all like to extend a warm "hello!" to our audience, both national and international! Please sign our guestbook...I'd love to know who y'all are!
Anyhoo....man, I won't even begin to talk about what has been happening these past few days....after writing that speechie thing for the prayer service we had today, I don't know if i can talk about it anymore. I was shaking so much...and i could hear my voice quaking too...it was odd though...i'm not sure why it was reverberating like that...i wasn't emotional or anything....
On other notes...the cross country team is HUGE now..apparently about 140 people have turned in packets to run....i think this is both good and bad...great because we'll look intimidating at meets...bad because the team gets more and more impersonal each time someone joins. It pisses me off too that there are a lot of people who joined just to get in shape. Today when Wilder announced that everyone has to race at meets, a bunch of frosh girls were flabbergasted: "WHAT?? do we HAVE to race????" No shat, stupid! It is a sport, not freaking aerobics. If you want to get in shape, go to your gym and get a membership. Sheesh!
Anyhoo, better get back to my homework. I'll post up my speechie in case anyone would like to read it. (This isn't an ego thing..it's just that now that I've read it, what am I supposed to do with it??)
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