Hey! It's Deanna. Yeah, sorry. I know I haven't posted in a while, but I have had some time constraints. Anyway, for some reason, can't do that questionnaire that Katie, Jo, and Noelley did. Speaking of which, glad to hear from Noelley, though informally. Read the last few blogs, and Gina, that's so cool that your* writing you're* own column!! Congrats. Katie and Gina would know what the * means! = > And as for Katie, totally, completely, 100% agree with you on what you said about the looming tragedy. I do not like how the world was "on hold." I also wish ( I know I'm naive ) that we didn't go to war or even resort to any some sort of violence. I wish this was one of those grade school kind of things where if someone picked on you, and you ignored them, they'd stop, but it isn't. Sucks! I know that if we didn't somehow "retaliate," we'd get hit again.
On an even more dismal note, school has started. Just kidding. School isn't as bad as what happened, but it's pretty darn close. I had this unbelievably incorrect perception of what Senior Year would be, and so far, Senior Year isn't as cracked up as I thought it would be. Calc is not fun AT ALL! Neither is the idea of another year of English essays, which we're supposed to write like what? Eight?!?!?!?!?! And the boys! Where are the boys????? They are all gone!!!!!! =(
Well, since I can't do anything about the boys, I would like to say, pray for the victims and their families. Love y'all, Dee. I'll write more later when I have something much more substantial and interesting. Right now, I'm under house arrest because my parents are thinking that at anytime, the terrorists will strike, and my being out will make me a potential target. ( They are way too overprotective. Aaargh ). Anyway, I was trying to end my blog, but I started to talk about a new topic. I am so retarded. Really, talk (or write) to you later.
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