I'm happy to announce that, due to our overwhelming sense of pride in our blog, compounded with the desire to know who, if anyone, is reading our thoughts, I have set up a guestbook. [cue: cheers and "woohoo!'s"] If you can't find it, it's on the sidebar thing, scroll down some...There! Now, my happiness is a very distinct juxtaposition with today's earlier events [if you've been living under a rock, turn on the TV, every channel is doing all day coverage on the terrorism tragedy at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.] Frankly, I don't want to get into it on here. I really am kind of speechless about it all. It's just devasting and pretty scary. Let's just leave it at that, and that my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who this experience affected, both directly and indirectly.
Anyway, we do, in fact, have a guestbook now. Please, please, please sign it. Thanks!
[side note to my fellow Random-osity Girls - if there's a question that you want in the guestbook questionaire thing, lemme know and I'll get them up ASAP. By the by, I am in complete amazement over my sudden ability and skills regarding HTML and the whole website dealy things. Bow down to me. Now. Bye Bye!]
p.s.: perhaps later, time willing, I will go into the whole fiasco regarding my unexpected trip to the Blink182/New Found Glory/Sum 41 concert [complete with the story of how I got the meet the bands..yay!] And just maybe, if I can allot some time to using the Yearbook scanners, I can get some pictures up - although, I'm putting my money down on 'not likely.' Also, my dissapointment over the postponement of the Weezer concert which was scheduled for tonight. I don't really see how putting the whole world on pause is helping matters, but oh well. As long as, at some point, I do get to see Weezer. Maybe, when they reschedule, Cold will be unable to attend, and instead, they can get, oh, I don't know, MxPx to replace them, or Rooney, or New Found Glory, or maybe even Good Charlotte. Oh well, a girl can dream [and dream, I will.]
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