Let the misuse of my online privileges at school commence......NOW! So, it's what I thought had been a while since I last posted. As it turns out, it was only about four days. Consequently, there's really been nothing to post about in those four days. School started, for real this time. I got bogged down by homework and finishing 190 pages of a 240 page book that I was supposed to read over the summer [I had the timed-write on that today. My second body paragraph, in my opinion, kicked some ass.] In other news, I've been working non-stop, whether it be at Long's or babysitting my cousins [who, for reasons unbeknownst to me, always insist upon making and eating popcorn right before they go to sleep - why put yourself through trying to sleep with the popcorn kernels all in the teeth and gums and such.]
Okay, so I'm in my school's library right now. Surrounded by a lot of underclassmen who come in here afterschool not to do homework, but to socialize and wait for their parent's to pick them up. I feel very old and cranky right now. I honestly am thinking in my head, right now, those damn youngens.
Oh well, I've got a load of Statistics to do, so I'm gonna head on out.
Oh, side note to Gina: When I got home from babysitting last night, my mom gave me the newspaper, saying, "Hey, I know that girl." The largest area of pictures on the page happened to be of these five and six year-olds being interviewed about their first days of school. So, I, being very confused, couldn't tell which Kindergartner she knew. I then lifted my eyes and "Hey, there's Gina sitting on a pole with a few other teens". So, I read the article, which was pretty much just a little intro as to the who the teen writers were and when/where their columns were to appear. Good job, Gina, on mentioning such top notch movies as Empire Records, Dogma, and The Breakfast Club. Actually, for me, that's the first time I've been featured in a small town newspaper. I use the word "featured" in the loosest of senses, seeing as the only mention of me was when Gina's hobbies were listed as "going to San Francisco and Berkeley with her friends." Can you believe it, me...finally, getting my chance to shine!! Yay! Honestly, Gina...that's really cool and I've unbelievably proud that someone I know [besides Maya "I Have An Opinion About Anything And Everything No Matter How Inconsequential" Walker] is a writer in a newspaper that actually has a large coverage and all. Congrats!
And with that, Goodbye!
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