OH LORD xc practice was hard today...we went up what we call "Mt. Fuji"...i have no clue how long it was, except that it took 2 hours and 30 minutes to go up and down it. Then I ruined the wonderful workout by gorging at IHOP. (damn!)
I really didn't want to, but I had to go to the mall and buy my sister a birthday present. It didn't feel right to be there, and I was angry at everyone who was so damn materialistic there...I don't know, I guess yeah, we're supposed to get on with our lives, but I don't know...
I got into a large arguement with my dad last night about the whole WTC situation..he keeps saying we're going to go to war and we should and i totally went off on him (at applebees, mind you)...he was saying crap about "eye for an eye" and i retaliated with something Mahatma Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye and soon all the world will go blind." I was so angry that I just went on and on and on. We shouldn't go to war, its stupid! That would be doing exactly what was done to us. Also, so many innocent civilians would get killed when its really only a few people we are after. How would everyone feel if Afghanistan decided to kill everyone in the United States when it was only going after Bush (hypothetically speaking)....same thing! My dad told me that the world doesn't work like that, but GODDAMN IT if no one starts doing that, then the world will NEVER work like that...it only takes one person to change something.
Whew! okay I'm going to stop now....before mine turns as long as kate's blog (which, by the way, is very powerful...good job kate)
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