We're so cool, it hurts.

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Hey guys... I haven't posted in a long, long time, but I haven't been to school since last Tuesday anyway. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth yanked on Friday, so I'd have been feeling like a big old pile of crap since then, if not for Vicodin. Anyway, I missed 5 consecutive days of school (a record for me), but I didn't miss learning ANYTHING. All of my classes were exactly where they were when I left. But after thinking about it, my classes aren't really that far from where they were when school started 2.5 months ago. People here are always either eating granola or climbing mountains. No time to teach poor Noelley...
Oh yeah, Since Katie's not around, let me tell you about her roommate for the trip to DC. Her name is Rebecca Abdenour, and I've known her since Kindergarten, but haven't liked her since we were in first grade when she tried to pee on my friend Shannon and I during story time. Really, bladder control is only the beginning of her issues. This girl used to make the teachers give her class time to perform these "funky-fresh" dance routines she'd make up when she was sitting at home praying for friends until we were in sixth grade! I told Katie to watch out, but I know Becca will seduce her with one of her dances and little Katie won't be prepared at all.


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