I'm not quite sure what is going on with the customers at Long's. In two days, I have been hit on three times. And I'm not even including the random, 40-year-old crackheads who usually hit on all us female Long's employees [and I'm not making this up - There's this one guy who I'm convinced has Tourette's who always asks, loudly, if I'm single. And he always tells me, with a wink, to "Keep the change, baby." He's really filthy.] Anyway, back to the recent past, on Friday night these two, rather attractive fellows come on in to Longs. One of them, the hotter of the two, bought milk [my guess is that he's younger than 21.] And the other, less attractive one, bought $40.00 worth of Budweiser. Then they left. Nothing out of the ordinary. Though, I did have to make two receipts for the beer guy because he was buying for a friend. Anyway, five minutes later, and while I'm calmly making friendly conversation with an elderly woman, the younger, hotter of the two comes back in. I'm expecting a 'You over charged me on the milk," but he stands next to the register, waits until the old woman finishes what she's saying and then hands me a business card. He says, "Hey, there's a party tonight if you want to come on by after you get off work. It's at Joe's house. I know you don't know who Joe is, but his number's on the card. Just call him up and ask for directions. See ya there." And then he walks out. I'm left standing there, holding the business card, just thinking, "eh?" Then the old woman says, and this, in my opinion, was the icing on the cake, "Looks like you got a hot date tonight." At which point I got considerably redder than my normal pinkish hue.
Fastforward to yesterday, when some random guy walked up to me and asked "When do you get off work tonight?" It was actually rather frightening. I didn't know him at all, and he was standing REALLY close to my green-vested self, and he smelled overwhelming like a pit at a rock concert.
The last one was tame enough, just some guy that overtly winked.
Anyway, these were just strange encounters that I felt were interesting enough to share.
I'm off to go make Chex Mix [side note to Gina & Jo: Here's a little something to jog your memory: {with a mouth full of Chex Mix} "Want some more sex [mix]?" Ahh, good memories.]
That is all.
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