Just for kicks, I've decided to post the google searches that brought people here, to our lovely home. And they are the following:
[I've typed them out true to form, spelling mistakes and all]
"picture vans old schools"
"Baz Luhrmann"
"new old skools vans"
"Christina Agulear porn"
"gina L weezer" [gina's got a stalker]
"driving to milpitas"
"old skool vans hi" [what is with the sudden need for old skools?]
and last, but at the top of my personal favorites,
"Christina Aguilera sex pics"
It sort of makes me frightened to learn that people searching for pop princess-y porn settled upon coming to Random-Osity. Sorry to disappoint.
I think I have decided that, next semester, I am going to transfer out of regular American Gov't and into AP. I've heard from many a folks that Wilder's American Gov't class is ridiculously difficult, with project after project. And, frankly, I don't want to have to do more projects. I'm doing quite enough for his America in the 1960's class as it is. In addition, AP Gov't isn't supposed to be all that hard. Perhaps because it is taught by my aunt, who, in her first year teaching high school, let alone an AP class, has not mastered how to get through the book, while still making it a difficult class. Plus, since my trip to DC, I am kind of more interested in the government and how it works. From what I can tell, the people in regular gov't class are too busy concentrating on getting an A on the projects to remember what congress last passed. Anyway, any thoughts? good decision? Let me know what you think [as if you care at all what class I'm taking next semester]
Okay, enough putting off homework. Vietnam War interview, here I come.
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