We're so cool, it hurts.

Friday, May 17, 2002

I don't really have anything of interest to post. I just wanted to post. I'm sure that's what you like to hear.
I am officially done with highschool, as far as I am concerned anyway. I have taken my last AP test, I have read the last book in English, I have spoken my last word in French. I am so outta here.
From here on out it's clear sailing. Next week is Senior Ball, the week after is my birthday, the following week is graduation. To quote Almost Famous "It's all happening." It's wierd because I used to not want my highschool career thing to end, for fear of leaving friends, comfortable places, etc. Now, however, I want OUT and I want out now. I want to, somehow, fast forward my life. Which, again, is foreign to me, because I'm this huge planner who always needs to know what is happening before it does, have it all written out in a neat itinerary. I'm feeling a little more 'fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-ish' lately. I just want to be out. I want to be at camp and then I want to be in college. For awhile, I was really in need of some closure. Ya know, I wanted to fully live out my life as a high school senior before I could even possibly conceive of being a college student. A friend was talking about how he finds it bizarre that people need to have that sense of closure, because it's something ya don't see in nature, history, etc. I sort of agree now. I feel like I don't need to know that all the loose ends are all tied up before moving on.
Whoa, I'm really not making any sense, am I?
I'm still really happy lately. I can't even particularly name what it is that is making me happy, but I like the feeling a lot. Things are just coming into place. And I mean in every aspect of my life as I know it. Not to get all literary, but what I just typed reminds me of a quote from Beloved. Here ya go:
"She is a friend of my mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order."
That's like what's going on right now. Except for me, it's not that a single person is doing this, it's just life in general is giving me the pieces of my life in all the right order. Or something.
God, I'm really tired. And it shows. I'm babbling.
Let me spare you guys the rest of my gibberish.


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