Again, I find myself wanting to post, to recap the past events of my life, but I lack the time and energy to do a full-on post complete with the hours of typing it would entail. Sorry, maybe sometime in the next week I will.
Yes, I am a high school graduate. Give it a another day and Jake & Gina will be, too. I don't feel any different. It's just that now, I don't have anything I have to do at a specific time each day. Yet, it's like this is how it's supposed to be, without any bells ringing, dictating my every move. I like this a lot better, getting up as early or late as I want to. I like being able to sleep over at people's houses spur of the moment. The graduation parties aren't bad, either.
On Friday, I'm driving down to Fresno with my Dad to work out my class schedule. The week after that [June 17-21st] is Camp Training, which I am extremely excited about. So, yes. That's going to be fun. I'm going to be busy, but I'll be enjoying myself [hopefully.]
I have work soon, so I'll try to post later on regarding my past few days.
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