Well, here goes, the first post FROM college on Random-osity... Today is my 6th day living at USF, but my first day of classes. I just got back from Sacred Quest, which is basically a world religions class, and I'm really excited about it because it is going to be so easy. Anyway, this is what i think of college so far:
1) after 6 days i have only seen 1 cute guy which is very dissappointing
2) i have way more time on my hands than i could ever use constructively, so i end up doing things like holding American Idol parties for all the girls on this floor who are obsessed with the show
3) the food is super gross
4) showering and dressing in a room with a bunch of strangers is weird
5) only about 1/3 of the people i meet are nice
But really, overall, college is not bad, but it's not like i thought it would be. I guess that's all..i'm off to get lunch with some girls form my floor. Good luck everyone, and have fun.
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