We're so cool, it hurts.

Saturday, September 28, 2002

Hey, just checking in. Not too much going on here. Fresno weather is completely unpredictable. It was hot yesterday and then noonish today, it rained. Just pretty much been hanging out with friends: going to movies, out to dinner, hanging out in folks' room. A few of my friends on the second floor have decided to start a Frasority, which is basically just an excuse to get together and drink. In response, some of my other friends - mainly the Christian or pretty straightedge folks - started a Sober Society. It's mainly a joke, but it's been fun. That's pretty much it.
And yes, Gina I do remember Fropium. That's kinda surreal that you met him at school. Any Mark Deis sitings? Oh well
I'll write more later when I feel more into updates.


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