Oh my dear God, I'm actually posting twice in ONE week. Atleast, I guess this can be considered in the same week. Regardless, not much has happened. Great thing I posted, eh?
The latest craze at Fresno State, atleast within my little circle of friends, is the spectacular game of world domination, RISK!! We've played it two days in a row, for a total of about 4 hours. And that's only 2 games worth. It's a long ass, complicated game. Yet, it's oh so much fun. I also got my hair cut today with Cody. Not anything drastic; most of you probably wouldn't even notice the difference. It's just a 3 inch or so trim.
Classes start tomorrow for me. This semester, I have a lovely combination of the following:
CSCI 5: Computer Science - hopefully, I'll be able to test out of this class
Math 10B: 4th grade math, here I come!!
Comm 6H: the Smittcamp Honors Communications class. I have it with David and Cody so it'll be fun.
Art 30: PHOTOGRAPHY!!! I am uber-excited about this one, minus the fees I'm sure it includes.
Linguistics 11: Oooh. words and language, fun.
Psychology 62H: The other Smittcamp class, again with Davidy and Cody.
For a total of 19 units. Fun.
Well, that's pretty much it. Have fun at school folks.
postscript: Jake, can it really be considered a winter BREAK if you're not breaking from any school? Just a question.
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