Wow, I'm really following through on my goal of a post a week. [Sarcasm, guys, it's sarcasm.] Really, I try to post, but there is just not a lot of time. That is, not a lot of time that I want to spend typing. Honestly, nothing of much importance has happened over the past week or two.
I am, finally, NOT coming home this weekend. After two weekends at home, I think I'm spent on making the three hour one way trek. However, my time at home was very good. The first weekend [the last weekend in January], I spent the whole time with family. It was really nice to do. Ammie and Papa came over for dinner and I took my sister out to lunch at the park. It was relaxing and fun to just take a breather with my family. Last weekend [Friday, the 31st] I came back. Friday we had family movie night and I dyed my hair. Saturday I went to see "The Hours" with Deanna and Jason. Then we galavanted around Union Landing, ending up, for some reason, at Babies 'R Us. Then I went to Gina's. We left at about 6:45ish for a night of Solemite and the KGB. It was great fun, seeing the boys again. We hadn't seen the KGB in about 4-5 months [I think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not sure] and they played a great set [minus the missing few songs.] I got Solemite's new CD "The Reason You Own a Stereo." It's pretty good, just all their live stuff they've been playing lately, but recorded professional like - in their basement. It was produced by Johnny Genius of the KGB so you know it's got to be good.
This week, we didn't really do much. I have a speech today, in about an hour in Communications. We had to do an informative speech and teach the class how to do something. I chose how to make candles. So, this whole week, David [who is potting plants] and I were driving around buying crap at Michael's and Wal-Mart for our speeches. I turned in my first roll of film in Photography. We had to fill up a roll on two subjects: Weathering [like, old rusted stuff. Basically, things that are showing their age] & The Geometry of Architecture. I had fun taking all the pictures. I went with David to where his horse is boarded, because there was a lot of ancient, run-down stuff over near there. I also, sadly, took a lot of the Weathered pictures at my house, as it is old and crappy. I get to see the pictures next Wednesday, when I make a contact print. Like, I said, today is my speech. It shouldn't be that bad. I have to use audience participation, so it should be pretty fun.
We don't really have any plans for this weekend. Cody's Portable Dance Troupe [PDT] performances start today, but we're going to see it on the 11th, because it's free for dorm residents on that day. Kelly and Anne have hockey tonight. So I don't know what I'm going to do. Probably watch movies or something. Anyhow, I should get going, I have to practice my speech.
I promise to write at some point next week. Promise.
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