So, I didn't return in a timely manner, but I returned and that's what matters. I haven't posted in awhile, so I guess I'll just do a recap of sorts, starting with a week ago.
Thursday the 29th - I picked Shara up at 2:30ish and we made our way to Santa Clara - stopping for a short while at Shara's boyfriend, Alex's, house. We arrived in Santa Clara at 3:45 and made our way with Deanna to her room. We got the tour of the campus and met some of her friends and her boyfriend Ryan [Bryce]. Went over to get dinner and met up with Jason, Will, and Chiwide [and Jeremy.] Sat in the dining area for about 3 hours just talking. I love those people so much. I love how we can talk and talk and talk and not really say anything, but at the same time, say SO much. I realize that makes no sense, but in my head, it does. We decided to break and meet back at Jason's room to play Monopoly. 2 hours later and there was no such Monopoly playing. Instead, we BS-ed more, listened to music, visited with some of Jason's friends and then decided, around midnight to watch a movie. So we headed down to "The Basement" - similar to my lobby [with a TV, couches, pool table, etc]. We watched "Being There" and then played Catchphrase - till 5:30 in the morning. Mind you, Deanna, Jason, and Ryan all had classes the next day - or rather, that day. So we decided to call it a night.
Friday the 30th - Woke up around 11:30. Slowly regained conciousness and made our way to get brunch. Saw Jason, Will, and Chiwide on the way so they came with us and we all just chatted it up some more. Will and Chiwide left Santa Clara and 2:15ish and Shara and I left at 3:30. Traffic was crappy, but it was okay. Shara came back to my house and we chilled like villians until Alex picked her up. Hung out at home until 9:30ish, when Gina and I made the mistake of a lifetime - meeting up with Ryan Beck at TGIF - where he was boozing it up. There were so many times I just wanted to sneak away. I don't know, I have conflicting feelings. I remember how cool he used to be, but now it's like...ugh. I don't want to be near someone who is constantly high or drunk and is pressuring me to do stuff I don't want to do. So yea, until he shows some semblance of the Ryan he used to be, I don't feel the need to have him back in my life. I understand people change and I can't expect him to be away from me for 2 years and be exactly the same person, but I had hoped that the change would be for the good and it's not. So yea..
Saturday the 31st - MY BIRTHDAY!! I woke up kinda late. Headed on over to Ellie's school festival to pick her up and take her to see "Finding Nemo." We got to the movies kinda behind schedule, but I'd bought tickets the night before so I expected everything to be okay. However, Ellie and I ended up sitting on the ground, sans seats. The movie was awesome though, seriously the best Disney movie to date. I really liked it. After the movie, Ellie and I went home. The trip home was eventful. Some fool who was behind me in the turn lane honked at me and starting making the punk sign. After a few minutes I realized he was referring to the MxPx decal on my window. I thought that'd be the end of it, but no. He ended up cutting someone off to pull up next to me, waved, and then cut ME off to show off his decals. Yea, pretty strange fella. To celebrate my birthday, my family, grandparents, and Jenny & Norman and the kids went out to eat at Mimi's Cafe. I then came home and hung out.
Sunday the 1st - I finished cleaning the house for Cody and David's visit. Cody arrived at around 11:30, David at 1. I had the camp meeting at 1 so I left to go to Bronco's and Cody waited for David at my house. Then the two of them met me at Bronoco's and ordered pizza. The camp meeting was fun, I'm excited for the summer. I really like the staff and it's going to be loads of fun. After eating pizza, we came back home and jumped in the Maison de Bounce. Very fun. Gina showed up and said hi for 20 minutes and then headed off to the Pearl Jam concert with Jakarooney. Deanna and Ryan came over and then we went to Albertson's to get frosting for cupcakes that I hadn't made yet. Shara came over. And we all just hung out. Jumped in the bounce house, talked, ate dinner, etc. til around 10ish. It was really fun and relaxing. Co-D and Day-V really like my Hayward friends and vice versa, so that's really nice. And Deanna, Ryan is super. I got some cool stuff for my birthday. Matchbox20 CD and Friends [TV] book, Sephora gift certificate, a wood carving of a Flicker, Friends DVDs, and AGE OF EMPIRES FOR MY MAC!! Seriously, it's the coolest game. And Jake, I already have the 20th anniversary game of TP, but good idea.
Monday the 2nd - Cody, David, and I woke up early. Gina came over at 7:30. And we on BART by 8ish, on our way to the city. Got off BART, found our way to MUNI, proceeded to get on the wrong MUNI and got a mini tour of the even numbered piers. Got on the right metro line and made our way to Golden Gate Park. Went to the California Academy of Science to go around the museum and aquarium. We walked around Golden Gate park and then David, much to his excitement, hailed a taxi. Oh god, that taxi van was the scariest damn thing. The driver didn't say a word to us the entire time, which was fine, but his lack of talking was made up for in a overload of illegal driving. Seriously, he made lanes out of areas that were not intended as such. He cut people off. The whole ride, my nails were digging into David's leg. I think we caught air at one point. Anyway, we made it, miraculously safe to Pier 39. We walked around and got lunch and then made our way past Fisherman's Wharf to near Ghiradellhi Square. We stood in line to get on the cable car and tried to NOT smell the horrendous odor coming from the man playing guitar for money. Got on the cable car and rode it to China town. The boys then proceeded to go into EVERY damn store in Chinatown. It's the same stuff in EVERY STORE, but we made sure to see it all. We got real Chinese food at a restaurant that did not like the fact that we only ordered steamed rice and two things on the Dimsum tray. Then we walked back to the BART station. Overall, the city was really nice. It was good weather and we went on far too many means of transportation. Seriously, walking, BART, metro, bus, cable car, taxi. All we neeed was a bike, a boat, and a plane..and a train. Damn, okay, so we're only 50% covered, whatever. Gina went home and the boys and I had dinner at my house. Then we went to go see "Finding Nemo" Again, awesome movie.
Tuesday the 3rd - Woke up, ate breakfast. Shara came over and we made our way to New Park mall. I showed the boys the amazing 2 story Target and we walked around the mall. Left at around 12 to go get lunch at Togo's, picked up drinks and chips at my house, and then had a picnic at the park. Then we walked around in the canyon and went on a creek hike. I think I'm the only one who really enjoyed the camp-esque trip. We all headed back to my house and hung out. Cody left at 2:30ish and David ended up leaving at 3:30. Shara stayed over for awhile. I watched Real World Paris and then headed off to bed.
I didn't do anything Wednesday or Thursday, except go to the movies with Shara to see "Bend it Like Beckham" and run errands.
Friday the 6th - Woke up at the ass crack of dawn to take Gina and her family to the airport to go to New Orleans. Came back home before even my sister and mom were awake. I went to get donuts for everyone for breakfast. Around 1ish, I went to Costco with my mom and then just hung out at home. We watched "Catch Me If You Can" for Family Move Night.
Saturday the 7th - Can't remember what the hell I did.
Sunday the 8th - Washed my car and went to IKEA. Got a mosquito net, lamp, and some mirrors for next year's suite at school. I'm also looking into a Shoji screen.
Monday the 9th - I ran errands all day and then watched the kids. I also made dinner for my family. I'm so domestic.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I watched the kids. Yesterday, I took Ellie, Dereck, and Nicky to go see 2 Fast 2 Furious with Shara and her brother. It was okay, Paul Walker's hot and wears Converse and Dickies throughout the movie. And last night I played Literati with Kelly, Anne, and Jason. And today I'm picking up Gina and parents at the airport.
And now we're all caught up. Sorry my life is really boring.
But atleast someone's posted.
Tomorrow Gina and I are going to BFD.
Camp training is all this week. Monday we're going rock climbing which should be cool. I'm really excited about camp so I'm looking forward to this week. And yea, okay, that's it.
Love, KT
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