We're so cool, it hurts.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Once again, I come on here and, much to my chagrin, not a single person has posted. It's been five days. Honestly, I'm saddened.
So I came home this weekend. Went to Pasta Pomodoro and Baker's Square with Homie G. A's game with the family on Saturday. And shopping at Stoneridge on Sunday, once again with the G-Dawg. I also had Family Movie Night with the, you guessed it, Family on Sunday night. We watched Phonebooth and Good Fences. The former was pretty good; action and suspense. It was entertaining and Collin is hot. The latter, Good Fences, was horseshit. It was a Showtime movie with Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover and it was advertised as a "non-stop comedy." Well, it was definitely a non-START comedy. It was such a downer and not at all good. So don't rent it on a whim like my mom and I did.

Other than that, I'm back at school for another rousing week of Fresno Fun. Let's get this started.


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