We're so cool, it hurts.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Can't wait to hear from Gina about the new place...I know you're probably really busy getting all settled though =)

It's been a tough week so far (a Lit portfolio due today and also had a test), so I rewarded myself by going downtown. I went to the farmers market and then Crossroads, one of those buy/sell/trade stores. I got some good stuff (a sweater for $3 and a nice button up for $6) and found out that this Saturday is their "Customer Appreciation Day Sale", and they're planning on having people (and I quote from the flier):

- groove to a live dj
- check out the special $1 rack and designer rack
- win raffle prizes
- free giveaway and grab bags

I got really excited...I immediately thought of all you guys...I don't really need to buy any more clothes but I was just remembering how much fun it is to go shopping with you guys. I wish you were all here.

Hope everyone is having a good week and getting enough sleep (because I've been sleep deprived for a few days now...), take care, love y'all! Hopefully see some of you Thanksgiving weekend?


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