We're so cool, it hurts.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Dayam...33 degrees in New England??? It's like 60 degrees or so here and I've already bust out the sweatpants and long sleeves. I would never survive in New England...I guess if I want to visit I should go in the summer. Glad to hear you're having a good time, though, Jake. Stay warm!

Hey, it wasn't that much of a "piss poor post", Gina (hey I like that alliteration...try saying that stuff 10 times fast, huh?). Good to hear that things with the boy are doing better. I guess it will just take some time, it seems like things are sort of out of your control. Just do what you're doing and be there for him so when he's ready to talk it'll be all good, that sounds like a good plan.

I rented "O Brother Where Art Thou" and "Life of Brian" the other day...I'm quite excited to watch both. That's about it for today, see I told you my life was uneventful. I'll be picking Geng up from school, heading home, and then probably watching movies. Woohoo! It's nice to relax before school starts again, though.


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