Congrats to Gina for being in the Golden Key Society. Seriously Gina, I think you are waaay more intelligent than you think you are. Good for you! Hope you win a gift certificate, god knows we all need money. And OH! You should come to Santa Cruz to shop for bathing suits...The surf stores have so many, and we could hang out! Boardwalk and Saturn Cafe, here we come! =)
I just got back from a 5 hour study marathon at the library where I ran into my uber-hot TA from last quarter, George. I was looking up something at the computer and he came up behind me to say hi. He was working on his thesis and had a stack of books with him...god I love a man who reads, even if it is to write a thesis. Apparently he's graduating this quarter...must get a picture before he leaves! (Damn, it's so strange to have a crush when you're with someone else...I mean, nothing's going to happen and I would never cheat on Scott, but I feel guilty anyway. Am I a bad person?)
I had dinner really quickly, and now I'm about to go back (it's hard to study in the room, Windy always takes naps and I become tempted to do the same)...but I wanted to put up this survey...I picked out the questions I thought were interesting. You don't have to do it, I just thought that if you were trying to evade doing work (like me at this moment) you might like this. Enjoy!
1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says: "crossed over to Macedonia where he blockaded Pompey for almost four months..." (UGH, Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars)
2) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?: An Arrowhead water bottle holding a rose Scott got me...ghetto, I know, but I didn't have a vase.
3) What is the last thing you watched on TV?: "American Chopper" on Discovery Channel. The dad scares the crap out of me, yikes. But those guys make awesome motorcyles.
4) WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is: 6:25 PM
5) Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?: 6:32 PM. Crap, so close!
6) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?: Birds going "cheep cheep cheep" outside and somebody peeing in the bathroom.
7) When did you last step outside? what were you doing?: Around 5:00 PM...leaving the library to go eat dinner.
8) What are you wearing?: Beat-up brown Birkenstocks, khaki shorts, a ribbed grey tank top, and about a dozen bobby pins in my awkwardly growing out hair.
9) Did you dream last night?: probably...but I don't remember what about.
10) When did you last laugh?: When I was at in the movie room at the library watching Part 10 of "I, Claudius." There was a scene with Roman and German soldiers together and I thought it was hilarious that the German soldiers were all tall, blue-eyed and uber-hot, as opposed to the short, fat, hairy Roman soldiers. Way to go, Aryan stereotypes!
11) What is on the walls of the room you are in?: A world map, my "Running is like a game of chess" Adidas poster, and a Messier objects poster. (That's not including Windy's side of the room)
12) Seen anything weird lately?: Yeah...this guy was leaving the dining hall with his big Nalgene water bottle stuffed full of hot dogs and buns. Sneaky bastard!
13) What is the last film you saw?: I finally watched "Chasing Amy" last night. It was funny because that scene where Holden is telling Alyssa that he loves her, I felt like I had seen it already because I remember that after Katie saw it (I think in 7th grade or so...I remember being in the computer room when this happened) she raved about it and practically recited the whole thing to me. I liked the movie a lot, by the way.
14) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?: A house. Definitely a house.
15) Tell me something about you that I don't know: Hmm...If I had a choice I wouldn't wear a bra ever again, they're so damn uncomfortable.
16) If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?: Gad, what a question. Hmmm...there's so much...taking away hatred and war, making everyone appreciate and conserve the environment and its resources, having true equality in every sense of the word....well, this sounds really horrible but I guess to kill all those birds with one stone I would probably make it so that humans never existed so that we couldn't have messed up the planet in the first place.
17) Do you like to dance?: Yes, but I really suck at it.
18) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?: Eva
19) Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?: Lukas (hell yeah, after Luke Skywalker!)
20) Would you ever consider living abroad?: Definitely. But I would come back to California for the last couple years of my life.
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