I have to keep this short...school sucks! Stupid me for taking both Latin and Greek translation this quarter, it's killing me. And the fact that I don't have Latin until 6pm makes me lazy, so I put off my homework until the hour before class. I really need to get my act together.
On the bright side, the weather is nice, and I should probably take a clue from Gina and Jake to get my ass out in the sun and get to the beach or something, it's Santa Cruz for heaven's sake. Screw homework, I'm going to the beach! =) (I wish...I think that fear of my professors trumps my love of the sand and surf).
Gina and Jake, hope you guys had fun at Modest Mouse! And Happy Spring Break to Katie!
**EDIT** - Ahh, I totally forgot about something. So, I can't remember if I told you guys this, but in December I had applied for a summer internship at MTV Networks at the Burbank, Santa Monica, and New York offices. Last Friday I got a call from the Santa Monica office asking for an interview!!! So I have a phone interview in about two weeks....I'm really excited that I got the call, but thinking about it more, I think it would be really sad to be away from the Bay Area all summer...I won't be able to see you guys, Geng is about to go to Moreau and I won't be there to help her get ready, and I won't be able to run XC with the Moreau kids at fun runs. But I guess we'll see what happens...if I get this internship, it'll be a great opportunity, but if I don't, it's just a sign that I should stay at home. But if I do get it, you guys have to come visit!!
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