OH MAN what a big ass weight off my chest. Like Gina, I am also at school (because I LIVE HERE, har har har...god look what so much studying is doing to me! That was so lame!) and am done for the day. Just finished my Greek midterm, which I think went great, except for one or two things I screwed up, but overall it went well. Latin midterm on the other hand SUCKED. I looked at that thing for 20 minutes thinking "Uh, what language is this?". Not good. Luckily, however, I'm taking this class Pass/Fail, so basically if I get at least a 50% on each test I'll be fine. Guess we'll see on Tuesday.
In honor of my Dante's Divine Comedy class and working on Inferno right now, here's a little test someone in our class found to figure out which level of hell you're going to end up in...or if you're one of those lucky bastards who get to go to Purgatory and work your way up to Paradise.
I was really surprised that I ended up in the 7th circle: violent to others, self, and God. Damn. Scott ended up in the 3rd circle, gluttons....psssh, what a saint. Oh well, at least when I'm in hell I don't have to be drowning in excrement for all eternity (the punishment for being a glutton). YUM.
Back to work, I guess. Even though the weight of midterms is off my shoulders, I still have a boring-as-hell 300 page book on the wonderful Roman biographer Suetonius (...zzzzz...) and a research paper to start. Have fun at your Golden Key ceremony, Gina, and hope you find something fabulous to wear.
Have a good weekend, all!
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