Tough Decision
GODDAMN. Seriously, when I think I have everything all figured out life throws me a curveball. Here's the situation. Since I hadn't gotten a call back from Burbank for the MTV Internship in a while, and since the "oh sorry, we already did first round interviews" fiasco with Santa Monica, I went ahead and assumed I wasn't going to have a chance at the internships. Thus, I decided that it was time to get things together for the summer. I called my old boss at Macy's and told her when I would be back. I agreed to take Geng to all the Moreau XC fun runs this summer, and go to XC camp. Cool., right as I'm leaving for class I get a call from the head of the productions department at the Burbank studio. She wants a second interview, next week on Wednesday. OH F**K. Part of me is completely excited, I can't believe they called me back for a second interview. But the other part of me is saying OH CRAP because now what do I do?
If I get the internship at Burbank, do I take the awesome opportunity to work in production, call my boss at Macy's and tell her I can't work anymore (will she ever give me a job again after I do that?), pick up my stuff, scramble around and find a place in Burbank, and figure it all out when I get there?
Or do I call the Burbank people up, tell them I won't be available for the summer anymore, and throw away the opportunity to go home to the comfort of a steady job and friends and cross country fun runs???
I'M SO STUCK AND I'M FREAKING OUT. All that on top of the research paper I have due Thursday plus normal homework plus feeling really unmotivated in general. WHAT DO I DO????
um, go to the interview and take the internship if you get it. you can't pass up that kind of opportunity. worse things have happened than not being able to get hired at Macy's, and if your boss is any decent at all, she'll be happy for you. of course, i don't even know you, so pay no attention to what i say.
8:24 PM
Jo. First off, who is Amy? Secondly, I say go for the interview. I was completely in your boat earlier this month with the whole camp vs. preschool fiasco. In the end, I chose the change and new opportunity that was the preschool teaching job. In my situation, I'm still figuring out if that was the right decision, because as soon as I decided, my hours at the preschool were considerably cut and now I'm having to decide on a second job. Regardless, I'm excited about getting out there and doing something new, stepping out of the ordinary. Sure, it'd be great to see you the whole summer, but I'm already traveling down south at some point to visit Fresno friends, so I can do the same for you. Plus, you could meet some famous folks. Love ya, KT.
8:56 AM
Wow, thanks for the comments all. I really appreciate the support =)
12:46 PM
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