We're so cool, it hurts.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004



LOL sorry that every time I post its like a year later and all I write is "Hey what's up! I hope everyone is good! TTYS!" LOL. and I do still mean all those things but this time I will actually elaborate on how I am! Just to let you guys know!

I'm good! lol and I'm on summa break!

One: A couple of weeks ago I just went with Katie, Jo, Scott(Jo's BF for those who don't know), Gina, David, Sierra, and Todd on a trip to a Cabin (actually a hella NICE house) in Groveland (20 min from Yosemite).
Let me tell you that those were fun times! REALLY fun times!(You'll see pictures as soon as I find my digital camera! eek!)

Also: I was working for a crazy ass company that worked me like a DOG! 6 days a week and 17 hour days F*CK man It was hell! and soooo I QUIT! and am now looking for another job! (PS if you know of any openings I would be ever so grateful to hear about it!)

Another happening: I have an art show coming up in September or so and YOU ARE ALL INVITED! NO cover charge uuuunless I provide drinks, as I am a poor college student i'll probably ask for donations =P or you can buy one or more of my pieces, if I can bare to part with them!
Because I interned at the Nexus Gallery in Berkeley, I was given 2 weeks to do a show in the gallery for payment of my services. I honestly haven't worked on anything, though! The show was supposed to be at the end of this past semester buuuuuuuuut I wanted to focus on my business classes* which were more important and not at all flexible so I moved the art show back. But bc of the summer job AKA SLAVE LABOR and crap I still have had no time to work on anything and it getting close! AHHHHH!
Side note: for those who don't know I'm double majoring in International Business and Arts Management though that might change soon.

Even better news: My parents bought a new house YEY!!!! and I'm all EXCITED even though I, unfortunately, really won't be there much, its really great for them! WOOHOO!! So yes, good-bye all my fellow Haystackians)= (AKA Deanna and Katie) and hello Union Cityinites! (AKA Jo) Back to my OG home town! WHOOOHOO! PS if you want my new address and house number just e-mail me and I'll give it to you.

I think that's it--And, KNOWING ME, I won't post for a long time and I'm VERY Sorry for that but I just forget-the only time I remember is if I talk to Katie and she mentions it-otherwise I'm in the dark =P

Well . . . thanks for reading and I hope you are all well too!

LASTLY but NOT Leastly: A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEE!!!! I LOVE YOU GIRL! You are a true friend and I can't thank God enough for bringing the light of you into my and all of our lives!----I'M SORRY THIS IS BELATED you can hate me if you want but I was out in the field being whipped by my slave masters (AKA I was at my 17/18hr-a-day 6day-a-week job as I mentioned above) and coming home a 2 or 3 am every night-I just dropped dead! I can obviously greet you now because I quit just today! SO I LOVE YOU AND I'LL SEE YOU THIS FRIDAY!!!


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