We're so cool, it hurts.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

"Homeward Bound" Part 2

Haha sorry for stealing your title Kate, but I too am heading home. This will be the last post from UCSC until September (not like that matters...)

So I'm sitting here, done with finals, killing time until I should go to bed. I'm FINALLY finished cleaning and packing (GOD I have so much stuff! I donated a lot of clothing and things to charity the other day too, but I still have so many things!). I'm going to drive home tomorrow with my little civic packed to the max with what I can put in there. Then Sunday morning, I have to come back up and help out with graduation (I'm an orientation leader...yeah, don't ask). There is no way in hell all my stuff is going to fit in my car, so luckily I was able to get an extended stay on my room, so I'll get the rest of the stuff on Sunday.

Today was quite bittersweet. I had my last final at 8AM, but Scott was leaving at 10AM (finals usually run about 3 hours). I wanted to make sure I did as well as possible on my final, but I also wanted to see Scott before he left. Luckily the test only took me 2 hours, and Scott's mom was running late, so we got to say goodbye. It's nice to be done, but it sucks that he's gone.

Besides that, basically Windy and I spent the whole day cleaning the room. We were both getting really grouchy around 3PM because we were hungry, when LO AND BEHOLD our friends Caroline and Robyn call and ask if we want to go with them to get Hawaiian BBQ for lunch. HALLELUJAH! It's about 20 minutes from campus in a car, but very much worth the drive...it was DELICIOUS and super cheap ($5.75 for a huge cut of tender grilled teriyaki chicken, 2 scoops of rice, and your choice of veggie salad, macaroni salad, or fruit salad...and pineapple of course). So yes, next time you guys come to visit we have a new place to go and eat. It's right next to a beach, too.

I can't remember who I told and who I didn't tell, but the fams and I are going to New York (Manhattan, I think) in about a week and a half. It should be nice, I haven't been to the east coast before, unless going to Disneyworld in Orlando counts. Anyway, if anyone wants anything (t-shirts, trinkets, other souvenir-type stuff...and of course sugar packets for Katie) let me know.

I really hope you get that internship too, Gina. Good luck!

Hopefully see you guys soon.


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