Homeward Bound
This will probably be my last post from Fres-yes. I only have two more days of my summer school class left. And I'm coming back to Hayward sometime this weekend, I haven't decided on the exact day yet. I must say, I have mixed emotions regarding returning home for good - atleast for the rest of the summer. I'm happy as hell to come home, see family and friends, and get started making some $$$. However, it'll be strange not seeing the boys everyday. Of course, in three month, when I go back to school, the idea of not seeing you guys every day will be strange. It'll be disappointing to not be able to do weekend trips up to Yosemite to swim in the river, or play five hour long marathon Age of Empire games against David. Oh well, it'll be awsome to go to Baker's Square, work at the preschool, babysit my cousins and Ellie, and see you all more often.
This past week, my typical day has consisted of me going to class in the morning [8:45 - 11:45], going to lunch on campus with David and Todd, and then going home. Once I'm home, I blow off doing work and instead play on my computer, lounge out in the sun attempting to change from a pale white to a light brown, or take a nap. Todd comes over to my house after he's done at the lab and we go out and get dinner and watch a movie or TV. It's a hard life, but someone's got to live it.
Last weekend, I lived at David's house. My godfather Steve, whose mother owns the house that I've been staying at, came down for the weekend so I wanted to give him his space/allow him to have some time in the house alone. I went up to David's Friday night with the intent to only stay a single night. We played Age of Empires like the huge dorks we are and went to bed at 3am. Four hours later, David's mom woke us up to help set up the yard sale they were having. I hung out there all day, played Risk with David's family, took a walk with David and his dog around the lake near his house, and decided to spend another night. Sunday, Todd came up to David's in the morning and we made our way to Wawona - inside Yosemite Valley - to go swimming/innertubing in the mighty Merced River. We proceeded to swim/go down rapids/practically drown/get sunburned for the next five hours. Good times. We all ended up getting pretty scratched and bruised, David and Todd more so than I. David lost a fight with a rock and cut his foot up, and Todd went over a four foot waterfall. He came out relatively unscathed when you take into consideration how truly dangerous the sitation was.
Gina, I must agree with you on your previous post, my male friends are enormously attractive. One of these days I really must post a picture, perhaps I'll work on that today.
This summer's job situation has been changed and altered so many times already that I fear putting the current state on Random-osity will only jinx it and it'll change again. Nevertheless, here's what I face this summer. Starting next week - the 14th - I have three or four days of training at the preschool from 9am to 1pm. The week after that - the 21st - I will begin my usual schedule. The "usual schedule" consists of the following:
Monday - Preschool: 8:30am - 1:00pm. Tutor Dereck, Nicky, & Ellie: 2:00pm - 2:30/3:00pm
Tuedsay - Babysit D,N, & E: all the live long day
Wednesday - same as Monday
Thursday - same as Tuesday
Friday - same as Monday & Wednesday, minus the tutoring.
All of this amounts to about $300/week. Which is awesome in my broke-ass book.
At the preschool, I sense a lot more flexibility when it comes to taking time off, so I'm being able to go up to Lake Tahoe with the family and various other trips.
Okay, I really must get to doing something more productive. Like packing all my crap up for the move home. I'll see you all soon. Thanks to Gina & Jake for postponing the viewing of "Saved" to wait pour moi.
Love, KT
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