We're so cool, it hurts.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Damn I'm Going to Be Poor

Uneventful week as usual...working, sleeping, running, eating. However, following Jake's post, I thought I'd talk about money too.

Nearly had a heart attack today when I looked up my books for the upcoming fall quarter. As much as I've been working, I haven't really been making much, because the money I earn basically comes in and then goes back out on stuff I need for my apartment...it's crazy how that crap adds up. Anyway, I looked up my books so that maybe I could buy a bunch used on Amazon or something.

Before I go on, here's my classes:

U.S. Literary Canon 1900 - Present (stuff like Faulkner, Fitzgerald, etc....I'm getting sick of reading Plato and Cicero, I need a shot of modernism!)

The World to 1500 (Classical Studies survey class)

Greek Translation 104 - Lucian (some philosopher I've never heard of but apparently need to translate...)

And a possible 2 unit independent study with my Dante's Divine Comedy prof. to finish reading Paradiso, which we didn't have enough time to finish last quarter, but luckily I already have that book. I'm still thinking about it...I think I'm going to get slaughtered with my Greek class, so an extra class might not be a good idea.

So get this: for the Greek class ALONE, I have to spend $200! To make things worse, the books I need for that class are obscure hardcovers that can only be bought at specialty academic bookstores, particularly the expensive one in downtown Santa Cruz (at "The Literary Guillotine"...haha I wonder if they were referring to how they kill you with their prices...). World to 1500 only has two books, but one of them is $100. Thank God for Lit classes, though! Here's the book list:

My Antonia
Winesburg, Ohio
The Great Gatsby
In Our Time
Light in August
Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Maltese Falcon

all of which I was able to find used on Amazon for $5 or less! Yes! At least I'm saving SOME money. (Note to self for next quarter: MORE LIT CLASSES!)

Sorry to be bitching so much about money and such...it's hard not to when I haven't been able to keep any of it in the bank because of the school expenses I've been accumulating. I had a dream last night that I was doing the laundry and checked the pockets of a pair of pants and found a hundred dollar bill. I was so damn happy...then I woke up....and was quite sad to see it was just a dream.

Hope you are all doing better with the money situation than me...and Jake, I hope you spent that $200 well (aka not on drugs...) =)


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