We're so cool, it hurts.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I am neither alive, nor vegan. Oh, wait...

I'm going to try to start this post without an apology for my neglection. Oh damn, too late.

I'm just trucking away here in Fresno. Classes are picking up, midterms are either around the corner or have already been completed. Which boggles me because some people just started school today [i.e. UC Davis]. At least I get out really early.

So, school, let's see what's going on. I have to do this simulated stock market game for my Economics class, and I have no idea in hell what stocks/funds I should invest in. If any of you have a knack for that kind of thing, please advise me.
Debates have been raging in my Diversity in America social science class. Mainly because Fresno is home to quite a number of close-minded conservative hicks who think that it is an egregious sin for two people who love each other to get married. I am just glad that I was raised in a diverse area by accepting people. Not to say that everyone in the Valley is a judgmental bigot. There are a lot of people - namely my friends - whose values are in the right area.
Moving on to another class, I'm learning fun labs to do with third graders to teach them the basics in biology. I had to do a mitosis dance yesterday. Scoff if you will, but I'm going to be teaching the children of tomorrow and I'd go through dumb class after dumb class in order to do that.
Both of the Honors classes are getting steadily more difficult. Lots o' reading. I like to read, I really do. I just find it difficult when I'm told to read something. As soon as that happens, no matter if I like the book or not, I find it excruciatingly hard to read.
For my Kinesiology PE for Children class, I got to go to a local school and observe a PE lesson. I went to the Kindergarten class taught by one of my friend’s mom. I’ve always thought I was going to teach somewhere between third and fifth grade, but now I don’t know. Those youngens are just so much fun. It’s really not worth worrying over, as the school I end up teaching at is just going to throw me wherever they need a teacher anyway.

What else is there? Oh, I’m coming home tomorrow for the weekend. It was kinda spur of the minute, but a few friends are coming with me. No, not the hot boys. Sorry to disappoint. Instead, I’m bringing Sara & Misty [& Lily – but that’s just a ride to Concord]. They’ve never seen Hayward, so that’ll be exciting. We’re going to an A’s game on Friday night with my entire family. Saturday, we’re looking to do a little shopping with Ms. G-Dawg. Followed, I’m sure, with dinner & pie. At some point, I’m also supposed to visit with family. I’ll fit it all in somehow.

Looking more into the future, I’ve decided to go to Australia this coming summer. It’s a four week [and some change] trip, with two weeks being a volunteer conservation project, and the second two weeks being an adventure tour all over Australia. There’s much rappelling and snorkeling scheduled. David, Todd, Jason & I are the people who are signed up to go. It’s a bunch of money, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. If any of you are interested, we’re using the company International Student Volunteers [ http://www.isvonline.com ].

Aside from all that, I’ve been watching too much TV [America’s Next Top Model – 3rd season just started up again!!] and hanging out with all the Fresno Folks. Sorry this post lacked humor and emotion, and was more just a fact after fact list. I’ll try harder next time.

‘Til then, KT


Blogger Johanna said...

man you're starting to sound like me, apologizing for everything =) so stop apologizing! I like your posts, it's nice just to hear about what you're doing.

Australia, wow! I'm so damn jealous! I will have to look into this website you provide.

Have fun at home, miss ya.

11:23 PM


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