Sigh of relief.
This is the first time I've had a chance to breathe in awhile. I don't mean that literally, because obviously, not breathing would have serious repercussions in my life, as in, I would die. So, naturally, I mean that first sentence figuratively. Good, I'm glad we're clear on that.
It was a busy week, and before that, a busy weekend. Last weekend, I volunteered for Light the Night, it's a walk benefit thing raising money for leukemia research. For four hours of my time, I helped an organization who, through tons of people and sponsership raised over $200K for cancer research, and I also got a free T-shirt, free pizza and cookies. An all around good way to spend a night. And what's more, is that the whole thing ended before 8, so I had plenty of time to do other things (see the LJ for more information).
The next day, I watched Bring It On so that I could write a midterm paper on it. No, you didn't read that wrong; I wrote a scholarly paper on Bring It On. It was for my Diversity in America class and I was to pick a movie and point out the social issues (racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, etc) imbedded within the movie. Not surprisingly for a teen movie, there were tons so I had lots to write about. Imagine, seven pages on a Kirsten Dunst movie. I'm still in awe of myself.
This week just had a bunch of crap. I was supposed to read this book about indigenous revolutions in Peru and then write a paper on it. I did not do the former, which made it ten times harder to do that latter.
My PE for Children class is becoming quite an annoyance. Last week, I presented my lesson to the class (basically, I taught a PE lesson). We had to turn in a manilla envelope with our lesson plan and a handwritten reflection on how the lesson went. The instructor, in her immediate verbal feedback said that I, out of everyone, seemed the most comfortable teaching the lesson. So I got excited, but then this Tuesday when we are supposed to get our grade back, I find that the envelope that is supposed to have (1) my lesson plan, (2) hand writen reflection, (3) written evaluations from classmates, and (4) my grade sheet from the instructor, only had #3 in it. Confused as hell, I talk to her about it and she said, "Oh, I probably misplaced it. Give me the envelope, I'll find everything and give it to you on Thursday." Skip forward to Thursday: I go up to ask her if she has since found everything and she said, "Oh, the envelope you turned in to me only had the evaluations, it doesn't have the lesson plan in it. But I know you turned one in, because I graded it, so what did you do with the lesson plan?. " WHAT?!?! I turned in all that crap a week ago, the day I did the lesson. I just wanted to yell at her "That's the problem, you didn't give me anything besides the evaluations. That's why I gave it back to you. If you were the last one to have the lesson plan, it stands to reason that you lost it, not me." I could tell she was really confused so I just dropped it, said I'd print out another lesson plan, and let that be the end of it.
On top of that, I've been having a hard time getting up in time for my classes. Or rather, to get up and SHOWER before my classes. I was just never meant to wake up before 7am. That's all there is to it.
In other news, I got into the credential program here at Fresno State. So, now, I'm pretty assured that I will be able to get my degree and a credential within the next year and a half. That puts me in the classroom doing initial student teaching in less than three months, which is a prospect that I just cannot even imagine. More than that, these figures mean that in two years, I will be teaching in my own classroom at a school that is actually paying me for my services. Wowee wow wow. That's insane.
So, I've talked to Gina and Johanna some about this, but for the rest of you [read: Jake], I'm going to Australia this summer. It's a for-sure-definite-already-paid-my-non-refundable-deposit-kind-of-a-thing. I'm excited. It's me, David, Todd, and Jason. There's also talk of taking part in the optional, week-long excursion to Fiji after the month in Australia. We'll see. My departure date is June 2, a mere two days after I turn 21. This sort of puts my thoughts for celebrating my birthday into question, depending on when I am supposed to be in LA for an orientation and all that. Again, we'll see.
This weekend, actually, tomorrow, David, Todd, and I are going to New Port Beach to visit with Todd's brother who goes to UC Irvine. The actual reason for the trip is that on Saturday night, we're going to this concert in Pasadena. It's an Irish band called Lunasa. Think pennywhistles and fiddles, not Flogging Molly. Sierra and Jason, who both have prior committments on Friday night, are meeting us in SoCal Saturday afternoon. So that should be fun. When I get back, I have to grade about ten more papers and do some easy homework.
Alright, that's all for now. Talk to you all later. Love, KT.
postscript: email me or comment if you are interested in an absolutely hilarious bunch of quotes from SNL's Weekend Update. I will gladly oblige.
HOLY CRAP the years are passing by fast. I still remember you saying in 6th grade that you wanted to be a teacher, and now, within a year or two, you will actually BE a teacher. Mind boggling, I say! I'm really proud of you though and think you'll make a great teacher.
So you guys already put your deposits for ISV in? I will have to do that soon....I'm still waiting to see how the study abroad program advising sessions I signed up for will pan out, and still figure out where the hell I'm going to get the money for ISV...but after all that, I really hope I still get to go. My college clock is ticking...only 2 years left and a bajillion things I still want to do!
Have fun in Pasadena!
8:14 PM
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