We're so cool, it hurts.

Monday, October 28, 2002

Jakarooney, I am completely dissapointed in your utter disregard for this blog's feelings. I swear on my life that Random-Osity will NEVER die [or at the very least that I will try my damndest to keep it from doing so.]

Seriously guys, POST. I understand that we are all too busy/cool for Random-Osity, but college is when it makes the most sense. We're not all 20 minutes away from one another and so it's more important for us to touch base and make sure we're all keeping sane - for those of us who were to begin with. I know I'm guitly of neglecting Random-osity every now and again, but I'm going to try hard to post at the very least once a week, to let everyone know I'm still alive.

So, here we go: I am still alive, folks. Here's a basic rundown on my life at Fresno State.
Academics - I just had my last midterm today in Humanities. It was actually pretty good, I feel rather confident about it. And I'm thankful that the whole process is over and done with. As far as my other classes: I have a 110% History, because my professor gives out bonus points like candy to trick-or-treaters [ya like that analogy, I was attempting to tie it in with the holiday, I feel that it works quite nicely.] In Math, we're learning about prime factorization, so that's a real challenge [sarcasm, folks.] My honors classes are growing steadily more interesting, or maybe I've just become used to the incessant droning of my professors - and have become more dependent on my laptop with wireless internet. My Intro to Teaching class is cool, for no reason other than that's why I get to go the elementary school every Tuesday from 1-3pm. Overall, I'm doing good on the academics front.

As far as my social butterfly status goes, I've done a little revamping in regards to my circle of friends. Amelia is pretty much outta the picture. We just didn't have as much in common as I thought we did in the week I'd known her and decided we'd be good friends. I just needed someone, anyone to latch on to quickly so I had a friend in college. But now, I don't hang out with her as much, mostly because of our differing schedules. As it stands now, I can be found at any given moment with one or both of the following: David and Cody. I seriously love those boys to death. They have become my new family. They are hilarious and fun to be around, but also are a big help when it comes to hitting the books. I'm really appreciative that I met them. I feel at home when I'm with them, and that's really comfortable. Also thrown into the mix are: Kelly, Anne, and Sierra. Those girls are really nice and fun. I'm hoping to room with Sierra, who is David's best friend from home, next year in the suites on campus.

But yea, this weekend was really fun - and spent in the company of the boys mentioned above. Friday night the three of us had a sleep over in Cody's room. Saturday we went to the rodeo to visit with Cody's family - they were there because Cody's sister, Holly, is the Clovis Rodeo Queen. Cody's parents, who were both really nice, took us out to lunch at Olive Garden. Saturday night, we all watched "The Omen" and slept over in David's room [none of our roommates were here that night.] Then, on Sunday, Cody & I went to David's Dressage Show in Madera [20-30 minutes from here.] It was actually really interesting and extraordinarily impressive - he got first place in both of the two divisions that he tested in. So, yea..good fun. Today we had the first ever, "Make Dinner Monday." Basically, David, Cody, Kelly, Anne, and I made Boboli pizza and ravioli for a bunch of people. We made it into a potluck kinda dealy with people brining sodas and pies for dessert. It was really fun and a welcome change from the unappetizing food at the RDH. End of story.

I still miss you guys, despite the loads o' fun I am having. I'm coming home on Friday the 8th of November - with David and Cody in tow. We're going to Moreau's homecoming game on Friday night, which should be an interesting kind of timewarp. Then on Saturday, we're taking BART to Berkeley and we're going to hang out with D/C's friends that live on campus and we'll probably walk around Telegraph. Saturday night we may try to head into the city for some North Beach fun. Then Sunday will be spent exploring the Haystack. All of you are welcome to join, just lemme know if you're interested.

Yea, I've typed far too much. But hopefully, this will prompt others to follow in suit. C'mon Noelley, Shara, Deanna, and Jo, you know you want to type out verbose tales of your college lives. Jake and Gina, you're off the hook, as you guys have posted in the last 48 hours.
Well, I'm gonna go play CATCHPHRASE right now [which, by the by, is the best game on the face of the Earth.] Have fun, folks.

Love, Katie!

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Just a quick note:
I'm coming home this weekend.
Be prepared to throw one hell of a Welcome Home party. For some reason, I fear this will not happen. Regardless, I am coming home, FINALLY. I still do not have a car that works. It seems like forever since I've been home. I guess, compared to some of my friends who go home every weekend, a month does feel like forever.
I'm bringing pictures and a video tape of all the folks here. Fun, huh? I'm arriving LATE Thursday night, or REALLY EARLY Friday morning, depending on how you look at it. So I'm up for anything on Friday - Sunday, with a good portion being saved for family time [especially because it's my dad's birthday on Friday and my aunt's on Sunday.]
Anyway, I gotta get to bed. I'll see you fools this weekend!