We're so cool, it hurts.

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Oh no you didn't.
"Gilmore Girls" is not just "another bad WB show", of which, I must agree there are many. "Gilmore Girls", granted isn't in the same league as such classics as "Friends" and "The Simpsons," but you have to pay some respect. It's a clever show. Yeah, there's some clichès. Yeah, sometimes the plot doesn't work [where in the hell did Max dissapear to, for one. Not to mention that they haven't even discussed Tristan.] However, "Gilmore Girls" is a good show. I know that these things come few and far between on the WB [Nikki & Smallville, anyone? And don't even get me started on Gina's obsession with DC.] On a side note, Jake, how did you know that "the older chick got scared of the remarraige!"? I mean, how did you know that it was a remarriage? I don't believe that they mentioned that it was in this episode, which means you would have had to watched it previously. Which, and I'm jumping to conclusions here, means that you are a closet, yet avid, "Gilmore Girl" watcher!! Anyway, I disagree with your post emphatically, Jake [big surprise], because I like "Gilmore Girls." My mom likes it, too. We watch it together. It's pretty much the only show on TV that she'll actually sit down and watch. It's truly a bonding experience. And any show that offers that oppurtunity can't be all bad.
That's enough of that.
I haven't blogged in awhile. Sorry. It's been a horrid week, and, I fear it's not going to be getting any better. I went to the DMV yesterday to get an ID [I figure I may need one, what with all the upping of security at airports] and to renew [for the second time] my learner's permit. This means I've taken that freaking test three times. Why I can't just suck it up and get my license is beyond me. Tomorrow I'm going to this dinner that the City of Hayward is having in recognition of outstanding volunteers in the area. Yay! Then on Friday, I'm leaving to go back down to Fresno. Fresno State is having their Open House, where you can apply for On-the-Spot-Admission. I plan to partake in this, one, simply to just get it over with, and, two, you get a $100 credit for either a meal plan or your rent.
Anyway, I've got to get going. I'll post a little less sporadically [I used it, Deanna!] from here on out [hopefully.]

Friday, October 19, 2001

Well, well, well... Today I got a call (a super long distance phone card call) from Katie Hirstein, the coolest neurotic I know, and I was yelled at out of NOWHERE for never posting on her special little "blog." So here it is, my long-awaited first post. I think I am really showing some initiative here, seeing as I didn't have a formal introduction to Random-osity like Jake, whoever the hell you are, and just took my metaphorical balls in hand and wrote this little baby up. Oh yes, I just made the first reference to testicles in this whole long series of posts. Anyway, since it seems Katie's posts are always marathon-long, I'll keep mine relatively short. By the by, Colorado sucks, so don't waste your time finding out for yourself.

Tuesday, October 16, 2001

Okay, really quickly: I was wandering around online and I found this quote that, for some reason, I really like. Here is my gift to you all:

If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.

Jake, you suck.

Alright, so please allow me to introduce the newest addition to the wonder that is Random-Osity, Jake "Not Jacob" Harrington. This sixteen year old high school senior, who goes to school at Tennyson with Gina, is extended the welcomingist of welcomes from the folks here at Random-Osity. Jake would like everyone to know that the fact that he is the only [count 'em] male does not in any way diminish his masculinity. In fact, "It only magnifies it," says Jake, who enjoys, among other things, "Long walks on the beach [and] oysters."

Okay, so those were total misquotes. Anyway, Jake's got a lot to offer when it comes to rants and such, plus he'd break up the monotany that sometimes exists when the majority of the posts are done by Gina and myself. So yes, that's all. Have at it, Jake.

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

People please, for the love of God, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! It isn't just there for our health. We want to know who, if anyone, is actually reading our inane thoughts. So, please, enlighten us. It's a very simple, painless process that can be completed in about 2 minutes. Is that too much to ask? I don't think so. Thank You.

Sunday, October 07, 2001

In picturing this post and its topics in my head, it seems that, for some reason, is taking a very media-based shape. Here's a quick run down, so you can decide for yourself if you want to take the time to read all this: concert update, movie reviews, my all time faves. So, off we go:
Concert Update

November 6th - Bouncing Souls
November 14th - New Found Glory, Rx Bandits [!!!!], & Fenix TX
November 19th - rescheduled Weezer show

Finally, the Weezer show was rescheduled, and thankfully. I was starting to worry about the likelihood of it all. Now, I'm really excited about all the shows and all, but I also wonder why good bands always seem to travel together, hitting the same areas within a weeks time of each other. Also, I wonder why I chose to go on the school trip to Washington, D.C., which is planned for November 11th through the 18th [so, already, the Rx Bandits show is outta the qustion ::wimpering and listening obsessively to "Analog Boy"::], in the year that terrorists decide to hit America, and coincidentally, America decides to attack back [f'ing perfect time to go to the nation's capitol, which is, I'd imagine, one of the prime targets.] Hopefully, by that time, the world will have simmered down.
Now onto the movie reviews:
I saw both "Joy Ride" & "Serendipity" this weekend. "Joy Ride" which, quite honestly, had potential, was, of the two, my least favorite. That first hour, it was going good. Funny at times, suspenseful during other parts. An all around, interesting, if nothing else, plot. Then, when it was just getting good, Leelee Sobeajsdlkfjsakski had to show her ugly face. Okay, for one, why does the girl never feel the need to wear a bra. Either [pronounced eye-ther] Rion or Shara mentioned that in one frame, her face wasn't even in focus, but her breasts were. It was pretty terrible. She can't act at all. And, I know it's by no fault of her own [but I still need to complain], but, will someone explain to me how practically three rolls of packaging tape can be removed from a person in less than 15 seconds? It's just uncanny. Overall, it was a good movie. I liked the first half, but the last was pretty dissapointing, leaving a sour taste in your mouth and a thought of "What in the hell?" in your mind.
Now, onto the better of the two movies, "Serendipity." Granted it had its moments where you wanted to yell at the screen, saying "Will you just let them see each other again, for the love of God. No more of these split second, only missed by thismuch encounters." It was good movie, and mainly because it had John Cusack and Jeremy Piven in it. Plus it ends with you feeling, "I want that." The only downsides were Molly Shannon [the woman is not funny at all and she can't just be normal for more than a few minutes] and Sara's Kenny G's haircutted fiancé's crazy snake charming music. But I did like it. It was worth the money.

Okay, here's the part in the post where I get egotistical and very short-winded [it's about damn time].
Here are my favorites, as far as media is concerned. I'm tired and want to go to sleep soon, so I'm not going to, at this time, explain why they are my faves, but I'm sure you're not complaining about that. I reserve the right to change my mind on any of what follows. Onwards!

Fave Movies
Shawshank Redemption
Empire Records
Notting Hill
My Cousin Vinny
Almost Famous
American Beauty
The Cure
The American President
The Princess Bride

Favorite Books
Catcher in the Rye
The Green Mile
Seven Days to a Brand New Me

Favorite Music[s]
Green Day
Third Eye Blind
& more that are rising higher on the list each day [Nerf Herder, NFG, Ataris, Rx Bandits, etc.]

Favorite TV Shows
Law & Order
Even Stevens

Okay, I think that's enough [read: more than enough] for now. Goodnight to all, and to all a goodnight.

Saturday, October 06, 2001

Hey everyone. My third post ever! Really sad considering in the last five posts, Gina had three, and Katie had two. I am really bad at this. I am actually at work right now, and there is absoultely nothing to do, but that gave me some time to write here. I just have to say that Gina, totally with you about John Cusack. Serendipity just came out yesterday, and I really want to see it, but I am grounded. Okay, I think I am just about the youngest 17 year old in the entire world. I have never been to a concert because my parents think it is too dangerous; I have never been to a party past 11 or maybe 12, and I my parents still call me like a million times a day whenever I'm out to see if I'm "okay." I feel like I am seriously caged all the time. Back to my point: I went bowling with some people at work, and didn't get home until 2:00 in the morning. First of all, I told them that the bowling would not start until 10:30. It cost $12.00, and the point is to stay the entire time until 2:00, or else you really would get ripped off. So when I got home, I tried to explain this to them, but they said for me not to talk back, and that I will never do that again, and here I am. I want to go see that movie, but I can't. Because not only am I grounded for staying out late, but going out at all!! I am not happy.

One more thing before I have to go to work: Thursday's episode of Friends was sooooo good! I am very happy that the father is Ross. And for the record, he was hilarious in that episode. My favorite part:
"Will the owner of the 1995 Buick LaSaber (sp?) come to the front desk? Your car is being towed."
"That's my car!"
"You have a LaSaber?"
I"I'm sorry, green."
"Yes! Green-blue!"
"Well, go. Go move it!!!"

Alright, gotta go. I'll try to post more.

Tuesday, October 02, 2001

Well then. I guess I didn't follow up on that post that I'd promised. Oh well. Not like anyone was really expecting me to. And since Gina won't post until someone else does [heaven forbid she partakes in any double-posting nonsense], I guess I'll just throw together a post about my weekend. Here goes:

For some reason, we had Friday off. Weeks in advance, I'd planned to have some people over to play Trivial Pursuit. The amount of people grew a little bit [by no means did I invite all sixty-four sign ups to my house], and about 10 or so people came to my house at around 5 o'clock to play. We didn't actually start playing until seven, but oh well. Anyway, Moreau's Cross Country [from here on out known as XC] Team had planned to meet at Bronco Billy's [a local pizza place] for some little 'day-before-the-meet-excitement'. Seeing as how half, if not most of the people in the TPC are on XC, we all decided that we would, at around 7:30, go to Bronco's. This was, of course, fine by me because Bronco's is like my second home during the Summer. Anywho, we had started a game of Trivial Pursuit at my house at around seven and didn't want to cut it short, so we ended up bring the game with us. After we finished eating, we broke it out and literally, a crowd formed around us. It was amazing. There were people surrounding us because we were playing TP, pretty bizarre, I know. Well, I got kinda tired of playing so then Kimi and I walked around, played a few games of Cruisin' USA and went to the liquor store that's pretty much next door. It was pretty fun and I got to "sight see" a little.
Both Saturday and Sunday I worked. I had to come in early on Sunday because one of my coworkers called in sick. Rather, her mother called in sick for her. Apparently, Danielle is "allergic to the Cosmetics Department." No lie. Danielle is the same girl who, after working there for about 3 weeks [compared to my six months], once told me, "if you have any problems on register, give me a call." What a numbskull.
Anyway, on to a few bands that I think you should check out, RIGHT NOW:

[These are all bands that, recently, I've become addicted to. This isn't to say that I didn't like them before, just, as of recent, they are all I can listen to]
Nerf Herder

Rx Bandits

New Found Glory

& Bouncing Souls

Okay, that ends this post. I'm bored, I'm tired and I don't want to write a one page essay about La Cote d'Azure for French. Blegh.