We're so cool, it hurts.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Hey Kids! I just finished packing for my trip to Minneapolis...and i leave 7 hours...woo hoo...(i'm planning to sleep a lot on the flight!). I just wanted to say hi and bye before i went. This will be my first time on a plane post 9/11, so this should be interesting. My mom called me tonight and reminded me to not pack my swiss army knife and nail clippers, among other pointy objects....so yeah we'll see how this goes. I'll admit i'm a little scared about plane crashes and all...i don't know....anyway, on to happier thoughts....I'll blog again when I get back.

Ahh, wanted to add that I FINALLY watched Shawshank Redemption the other night (yeah, i know, you can't believe that i hadn't seen Shawshank yet...that's what everyone said)...and I will say now that I have added it to my list of favorite movies...it was so awesome. I know I love a movie when I can't stop thinking about it and replaying bits in my head. (That's excluding scary stuff...for example, watching The Ring and then not being able to sleep alone for a week was not fun and does not constitute The Ring as one of my favorite movies). So yeah, thanks to Kate and Gina for bugging me all these years to get my ass on a couch and watch Shawshank already, now I know why.

Wow....have fun with that plaster, Gina. I love you guys, take care.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

I have to agree, Gina, that sucks about your car. Good thing that you didn't have too much taken from your car, though. I'll lend any CDs to you until you replenish your plethora [where plethora = 40 or so] of stolen CDs.
I was supposed to be coming home this weekend, but I haven't really decided. I was supposed to come home for a dentist appointment that I haven't yet made, and for that reason, I may not have. I don't know if I am still going to come home, though I probably will. All of my friends here are going home this weekend anyway, so it'd be pointless to stay. So yea, chances are, I'll be in town this weekend. And the next weekend, because on Saturday, February 1st, there is going to be the ultimate Solemite Show. It's their CD realease show, and the KGB are also playing, as are the Matches - formerly the Locals. Anyone interested in going? Because it's going to be the best ever. Literally.
I'm in Psychology class right now. Not too much going on. I slept through my Linguistics class this morning because my alarm didn't go off. Oops.
This weekend was pretty relaxed. We didn't do much of anything. Went to Long's, Target, watched a lot of movies. Cody bought Zoo Tycoon. It's an awesome game. You can build this whole zoo, obviously, but he got a lot of codes so now, we have bizarre animals and unlimited money. I mean, we have a yeti for christsakes. Not to mention our unicorn.
Risk has been replaced by working out and yoga now. We have a work out schedule [every Monday, Wednesday, Friday for about 45 minutes] and then yoga every week night. We are all going to be like freaking Silly Putty, but...strong Silly Putty. We are still playing board games a lot. However, yoga has became our new craze. We actually got about 5 people from the dorms to join in last time we did it.
That's cool about Minnesota, Jo. I think that both folks from Minnesota and from Wisconsin have the funny accents. And Disneyland was very fun, just kinda tiring. I have some really good pictures though. And Contgratulations on the 4 month mark. Tell Scott I hope he feels better soon. And to answer your question, yes, "and I say god god dammit!" is from the Daria Musical. I wish I could find that tape, or that MTV would replay it.
How was your weekend with Tom, Gina? Hope you got to spend time with him like you wanted to.

Well, that's pretty much it. There was some drama with my circle of friends late last week, but it's all sort of died down by now. I'm going to a camera store today to look for a Nikon FE body to replace my dad's broken one. He took it into Wolf Camera about 4 months ago, and they said that it would take 3 months to fix. Last week, they called saying it was finally ready. However, when my dad went to go pick it up, they said that it actually wasn't done and that they couldn't get the part at all. So, they effectively wasted 3 months of camera fixin' time. Now, it's supposed to take about a week at a place in Union City. In the meantime, I'm supposed to look up the prices on used cameras down here because my god father wants to buy me a camera for a graduation/birthday/christmas/going-off-to-college gift to balance out the lack of gifts over the years. So yea, that's what's going on lately.
Hope everyone's havin' fun. How's the college life treating your Jakarooney?

Sunday, January 19, 2003

Damn those bastards who broke into your car gina, they're going to burn in hell! (and HEY! "and i say god god dammit!" is from the Daria Musical, right???? MUAHAHAHA) How was Disneyland, kate?

Nothing much going on here this MLK Jr. Weekend....its amazing how dead it gets on campus; everyone goes home. Yesterday was 4 months with scott and me. we were supposed to go eat out and watch "About Schmidt", but when he woke up with a mad fever and a cold we ended up spending the day watching "100 moments that rocked TV" and some special about J. Ho on VH1 (which was really depressing...i really didn't need to know that she could buy 100 bentleys and manicures for the next 37 years with her salary..i already knew she was filthy rich, thank you very much). Ahh, well, at least we got to spend time together.

Do Minnesotians...uh, people from Minnesota have funny accents? or was that Wisconsin? or both? Anyway, hope everyone's having a great 3 day weekend.

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Oh my dear God, I'm actually posting twice in ONE week. Atleast, I guess this can be considered in the same week. Regardless, not much has happened. Great thing I posted, eh?
The latest craze at Fresno State, atleast within my little circle of friends, is the spectacular game of world domination, RISK!! We've played it two days in a row, for a total of about 4 hours. And that's only 2 games worth. It's a long ass, complicated game. Yet, it's oh so much fun. I also got my hair cut today with Cody. Not anything drastic; most of you probably wouldn't even notice the difference. It's just a 3 inch or so trim.
Classes start tomorrow for me. This semester, I have a lovely combination of the following:
CSCI 5: Computer Science - hopefully, I'll be able to test out of this class
Math 10B: 4th grade math, here I come!!
Comm 6H: the Smittcamp Honors Communications class. I have it with David and Cody so it'll be fun.
Art 30: PHOTOGRAPHY!!! I am uber-excited about this one, minus the fees I'm sure it includes.
Linguistics 11: Oooh. words and language, fun.
Psychology 62H: The other Smittcamp class, again with Davidy and Cody.

For a total of 19 units. Fun.

Well, that's pretty much it. Have fun at school folks.

postscript: Jake, can it really be considered a winter BREAK if you're not breaking from any school? Just a question.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Okay, so I guess my New Year's Resolution should be to update Random-Osity atleast once a week. I wanted to do so these past few months, but, uh...looks like that didn't happen. A lot has happened, all good.
Here's the update:
Christmas was good. I scored a printer, vacuum, speakers & a mouse for my laptop, movies, Friends trivia game, photo box, candles, Trivial Pursuit 20th Anniversary edition, and some other good stuff. With the printer and vacuum, I am sooo going to be the envy of all the dorm co-eds. I will be completely self-suficient. No more having to use David's roommate's printer or borrowing the vacuum that sucks to no end [in that, it DOESN'T suck up the dirt, etc.] I am so independent, it's not even funny. Overall, Christmas was great. I liked the time with my crazy family, and it was nice to just relax.
The day after Christmas, I called up my good friend Will. He's back from George Washington University in D.C. We planned to meet at his house for some GW opoly [the GW version of Monopoly] with Deanna, Jason, and Chiwide. After Will effectively led us all to our bankruptcy, we watched Minority Report. It was really great to see them. Those boys are just awesome and I miss them to no end. Deanna, too, obviously.
New Year's was good. Gina, Jake, Noelle, Deanna, and Johanna came over to my house and then, realizing that anyone else who would possibly show up was already at Carlos's house, we decided to merge the get-togethers at Carlos's abode. All the guys were there, minus Jeff, who I haven't seen in months, sadly. I really think that whole group is just spectacular. They are all great people and hilarious. New Year's was really fun with them.
On January 2nd, I made the 3 1/2 hour trek to Coarsegold, land that I love, to go to David's house. I got there at 4ish and was greeted by Kelly and Anne who had already arrived. Cody showed up shortly thereafter. We hung out there, mingled with the family, and ended up not getting much sleep. We woke up at 2am, got ready to leave and were on the road by 3am. Disneyland, here we come [came.] We picked Sierra up at her friend's apartment at 7:45ish and were in Disneyland at 8:15. 16 hours worth of the Happiest Place on Earth later, [with a short break for dinner at Denny's across the street] we went to the hotel and showered and basically fell asleep as soon as our collective heads hit the pillows. We all woke up around 7 and were back at the park at 8am again. Same thing, different day, more rides, less people, good times all around. We left at 11:45pm ish. Showered and slept in until 10. Packed up and checked out of the hotel by 11, stopped at IHOP for lunch and were on the road, stuck in LA traffic, by noon-thirty. We arrived back in Coarsegold at 5pm. Kelly and Anne then left to go to Visalia and then Cody, David, and I took Sierra home. Seeing as how Cody and I [the two of whom had driven the whole way to Disneyland and back] had another 3 hour drive until we'd be homeHome, we decided to spend the night at David's. We all ate, showered, and watched Jurassic Park. Then went downstairs to David's and talked for 2 hours before going to sleep. We didn't wake up [with the exception of me, who had to wake up at 6:30am - for a short while - to move my car so David's mom could take his brother, Kevin, to the bus stop] until around noon. We had lunch and screwed around until David kicked us out at about 3 so he could go ride his horse before it got dark. Cody and I caravan[n]ed back to our respective homes, parting ways at the highway 5 junction. I got home at 6ish and didn't do much of anything.
The whole roadtrip to Disneyland was great. I've had my fill of Disneyland for atleast a few months, as it was 32 hours total. I had a ton o' fun. Cody, David, Sierra, Kelly, and Anne are just awesome people and I'm glad I got to spend the last 4-5 days with them. Overall trip grade: A - [this minus is because my feet just stopped aching and I have a cold from the lack of sleep over the last 5 nights.]
Which brings us to today. I woke up at 9, watched 2 of the 5 movies I borrowed from Kevin while I wrote on the back of all my pictures that I'd taken since the end of Summer. I dyed my hair at then at 3:30ish I went to the library, got some books, got a sandwich at Togo's and then ate it and read at the park until 5ish. Tonight I'm going to dinner with my family and aunts.
I leave for Fresno Thursday at noonish. Classes start on Monday.
Overall, good times and I'm tired of typing. Goodbye.