We're so cool, it hurts.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

So, nothing much going on. Yet, for some reason, I felt the need to blog. School is school, with a few outstanding topics.
I absolutely love my geography class. The professor is really great. It's the only class that people are interested in what's being taught and actually ask follow-up questions. I'm learning a ton - I can name all of the countries in North and South America, US States, Canadian provinces/territories, and 50 other assorted geographic features. I am such a geographic genius. The other really enjoyable class is my once a week dance class. Jakarooney, you have reason to be jealous. It's a really fun class and I'm learning all about how to shake my bon bon. I'll teach it all to you one of these days.
Other than that, we've been keeping up on our 3 times a week workout session. I found recently, that I can bench press more than some of the other guys that go in the weight room. Ah yea!
This weekend, I am coming home for a very short while. Friday night, I'll be hanging out with Ellie - perhaps making cookies. Saturday morning and afternoon, I'll be attending my cousin's Bar Mitzvah [Gina, you should come to scope out any possible Jewish fellas.] After those festivies, I'll be heading on out to go to Salinas. It's Cody's birthday on Monday and he's going home this weekend to celebrate it with his Salinas friends, but David and I are going to go, too. It's going to be at, basically, a grown-up's Chuckie Cheese. It's a pizza place with an arcade, a mechnical bull, rock climbing walls. It should be loads of fun. Then, I'll probably end up spending the night at Cody's house and then going back to school caravan style with Co-D and Day-V.
Other than that, not too much has been going on/will be going on. So yea, I won't see any of you this weekend, but have a good one, nonetheless.

Tis all.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Thank you oh so very much Miss Gina for taking time out of your apparently immensely busy schedule to blog for the public. Now, for the rest of you no do-gooders: BLOG. Or not, depending on your life and your need/desire to do so.

I, for one, like to blog. It's just the actual sitting down and doing it doesn't seem to happen that often [however, compared to the masses on Random-Osity, it's 10 times more often]. Anyhow, let me give you all a little update.

Today I started my third week of school. This past weekend, David, Cody, Jason & I went on a little roadtrip to the California coast. We went to San Luis Opispo, Morro Bay, Pismo, Hearst Castle, and Cambria. We stayed with Cody's sister who has a house in SLO and we were there Friday night to Sunday afternoon. We stopped and went to countless beaches - basically any that we saw from Highway 1 that didn't look too crowded. We did not get eaten and/or attacked by sharks. We did, however, see 2 dolphins, which I thought to be very exciting. Allow me to go over a few highlights.
On Saturday, we went to Morro Bay and there was this park that had a giant chess game, a la Harry Potter sans the coming alive aspect. A few precocious kids were playing and it was fun to watch. There was also a large store completely devoted to shells [the Shell Shop - We excel in shells.]
Also on Saturday, we went to the Pismo dunes, where we DROVE ON THE BEACH. It was a completely sureal experience to me, someone who had never been on the beach with more than a bike. It was just strange, to see parked cars on the beach. And there was a speeding limit! It reminded me of that car commercial where the cars and people are reversed and the people are the ones for sale. Nod if you have any idea what I'm rambling about [now honestly, who actually nodded? - raise your hand. (I could continue this trend, but I won't)].
Saturday night we went to go see Freaky Friday. It was actually really good and to add to the story, they cast Tristan from Gilmore Girls as the love interest. Good going!
Sunday, we went to Hearst castle. Wow. It was..amazing. The view was just breath taking [is that one word?] and the pools were my favorite part. Some of the rooms were a little extravagant and tacky. A little overdone, let's say. But it was interesting. We got to watch a cheesy movie and learned some history. It was worth the $18. I think.

Today I had my first actual dance class. We did the Merengue and the beginning of the Salsa. It was fun. We all rotate and dance with everyone so it's a fun class.
Other than that, not much is going on. Cody is in a play so he's been at rehearsal. David has a show this Saturday so he has to ride every day this week. And right now I am siphoning an Airport signal from the guys downstairs, so I'm getting free fast internet - though it means I have to be at David's desk. I think I'm going to be getting another fish tomorrow. I haven't decided on a name. It's between Gil(l)bert [get it?], Noah, Jackson, Tyson, and Seamus. I'll decide when I look at the fish who he's gonna be.
Okay, 'tis all. I'll be home in two weeks - the 20th - for a cousin's Bar Mitzvah, but it'll be a mostly family oriented visit.
That's all folks.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Once again, I come on here and, much to my chagrin, not a single person has posted. It's been five days. Honestly, I'm saddened.
So I came home this weekend. Went to Pasta Pomodoro and Baker's Square with Homie G. A's game with the family on Saturday. And shopping at Stoneridge on Sunday, once again with the G-Dawg. I also had Family Movie Night with the, you guessed it, Family on Sunday night. We watched Phonebooth and Good Fences. The former was pretty good; action and suspense. It was entertaining and Collin is hot. The latter, Good Fences, was horseshit. It was a Showtime movie with Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover and it was advertised as a "non-stop comedy." Well, it was definitely a non-START comedy. It was such a downer and not at all good. So don't rent it on a whim like my mom and I did.

Other than that, I'm back at school for another rousing week of Fresno Fun. Let's get this started.