We're so cool, it hurts.

Friday, May 28, 2004


Okay. So, there were major issues with this weekend. They were not solved in a timely manner OR to everyone's liking, but they were finally solved as best as they could be.

Regardless, I'm excited about this weekend. Can't wait for fun [hopefully in the sun, it's raining here in Fresno right now - which is completely odd] and games. I'll see some of you tonight and those that I do not see, I'll be home the weekend June 11, finally, for the entire summer. If any of you are still in school, I can come visit, perhaps.

I'm in my class right now. We have wireless in here so this has been my port of communication. I don't have internet in the house that I'm staying in.

I dyed my hair last night. I'm not too keen on the color. I went for a dark blonde/light brownish color. That way, I could even out my overall color. Well, something went terribly wrong and now it's a strawberry blonde. It looks okay, not great, I'm still gettting used to it. It is really dramatic at the roots and top of my hair, but the rest looks relatively the same. I played around with the idea of dye-ing it a darker color this morning, but two things stopped me. The first is that I had a test in my communications class this morning that I couldn't miss. The second was that I've heard horror stories about people who dyed thier hair twice in rapid succession and the hair conseqently fell out. So I guess it's either no hair or semi-okay hair. I'll take the latter.

Alright, class is going to restart soon [we just finished the test and are going to start the rest of the lecture soon]. Okay, I've got my "excitement hat" for this weekend. Yay!

Love, KT

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Tough Decision

GODDAMN. Seriously, when I think I have everything all figured out life throws me a curveball. Here's the situation. Since I hadn't gotten a call back from Burbank for the MTV Internship in a while, and since the "oh sorry, we already did first round interviews" fiasco with Santa Monica, I went ahead and assumed I wasn't going to have a chance at the internships. Thus, I decided that it was time to get things together for the summer. I called my old boss at Macy's and told her when I would be back. I agreed to take Geng to all the Moreau XC fun runs this summer, and go to XC camp. Cool.

THEN....today, right as I'm leaving for class I get a call from the head of the productions department at the Burbank studio. She wants a second interview, next week on Wednesday. OH F**K. Part of me is completely excited, I can't believe they called me back for a second interview. But the other part of me is saying OH CRAP because now what do I do?

If I get the internship at Burbank, do I take the awesome opportunity to work in production, call my boss at Macy's and tell her I can't work anymore (will she ever give me a job again after I do that?), pick up my stuff, scramble around and find a place in Burbank, and figure it all out when I get there?

Or do I call the Burbank people up, tell them I won't be available for the summer anymore, and throw away the opportunity to go home to the comfort of a steady job and friends and cross country fun runs???

I'M SO STUCK AND I'M FREAKING OUT. All that on top of the research paper I have due Thursday plus normal homework plus feeling really unmotivated in general. WHAT DO I DO????

Monday, May 24, 2004

Home Alone

Year #2 of College = Done and done. I am officially done with school, save for the three week stint I'm doing in Summer school here in Fresno.
Now, for those of you who are on the up and up, you know that I had planned on staying at my aunt and uncle's house for the three weeks. However, my cousin Nathan, who, until very recently, was living in his own apartment with a friend, decided now would be a good time to move back home. Because of that, I am now staying in - try to keep up - my dad's best friend's mom's house. She, too, lives in Fresno. However, she now resides in a nursing home, so her house is all by itself. I'm staying there for three weeks, and most of that time, I will be the master of the house. Every so often, I will have visitors, namely, Steve - my godfather - who visits every other weekend and then another woman who uses the house when she visits her mom. It's all rather confusing, but it amounts to the fact that, for the greater part of three weeks, I get my own house. It's 3 bedroom, 2 bath, complete with kitchen, bitchin' backyard and lots of other good stuff. I'm really excited. I feel so old! On my own in a big house. I think all the antiques in the house adds to my feeling old, as well. I went shopping this weekend for groceries and the like to last me for three weeks.
Yesterday, David and Todd each paid me a visit, individually. David stopped by for lunch after he rode his horse and then Todd came by for TV and dinner. I was worried that the other woman who is staying here would think I was a whore. She stopped by when David was here and came five minutes after Todd left. What would you think if, at lunch, one boy was over, and at dinner another one?
I am going to see them both again today to see Van Helsing, so I will ask them what they think about this weekend regarding plans to drive down, etc. And then I will get back to you guys. Sorry I'm slacking on this. Gina yelled at me because I'm usually the one to be the slave driver, organizing the shit outta everything. I'm just not feeling it right now.

So, today's Monday. I start summer school today, one class, Communications, for three hours every day for three weeks. Rather intsense if you ask me. After class is over, I've got to go to the Health Center to get a TB test and a check up in order to work at the preschool this summer. After that, I have to go to the on campus Police Department to contest a ticket that I got when I was moving out. According to the dorm people, the entire parking lot was relaxed in order for people to move out. I parked in a handicap parking spot because they told us that everything was fair game - I mean, there were people parking on one of the lanes of the street for godsakes. But I got a ticket. And it's not just a regular, run-of-the-mill $20 parking ticket. No, no, this is one of the $275 varities. So I have to go get that taken care of.

Okay, class is about to start. It's 8:45. I got up at 7 in the morning my first day of summer. That's crap.
I'll update you all later regarding this weekend. Thanks for the entertainment of your guys' posts.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Ain't that the truth?

Was checking my daily comics today and came across today's "Non Sequitur":

HAHA...oh man. Well, I'm laughing now, but maybe I won't be laughing in a couple years. Isn't that crazy, that we have to think about these things? Sometimes I long for the simplicity of childhood and my only worry being what I was going to have for snack when I got home from school. Anyway, hope you got as much of a kick out of that as I did.

Monday, May 17, 2004


Okay, I was poking around at the St. Clement Reunion Yahoo Photo Album (don't ask why, I just was, that's not the important part) and found that Denoga had added another album, entitled "01.02.04". I was looking at the pictures and remembered that Sheinagh and them had tried to do a get together at a pool hall or something, but I couldn't go because I had to work. I didn't know there were pictures though, and when I looked through it, I found this:


I flipped out when I saw this picture, seriously. It looks like him, but I need you guys to tell me if my eyes are decieving me or what.

If you want to see the rest of the album, it's at http://photos.yahoo.com/stclement98

Saturday, May 15, 2004

"Marconi plays the mamba, listen to the radio...we built this city on rock and roll..."

Yes, like Gina says "HAPPY FRIDAY!". (By the way, sorry about copying your whole song-lyric-as-post-title, I didn't realize until after I wrote it out). Doesn't it seem like the weeks are passing by really quickly? I dunno, it feels like that for me.

Not much today, just class, then headed downtown to buy Katie's birthday gift. Hope she likes them, I have to say that I spent an hour deliberating between several of them and finally picked 2, they were all so nifty. That's all I can say, I don't want to give anything away. =)

So I watched "50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs Ever" on VH1 (again) and was really pissed off at some of their song choices, particularly:

46) Spin Doctors - Two Princes

44) Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire

29) Meatloaf - I Would Do Anything For Love, But I Won't Do That

17) Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy

6) Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany's

1) Starship - We Built This City

C'mon, there's worse songs than these!!! These are TERIFFIC SONGS, dammit. Oh well, at least Ricky Martin and Limp Bizkit made the list. (I have the full list posted at my blog, if you're interested).

Anyhoo, have a good weekend and be productive, kids.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

I HAVE HOUSING FOR NEXT YEAR! Okay, maybe it doesn't sound like a huge deal, but it's something that I've been worrying about this whole quarter. As a junior, I'm not guaranteed any kind of on campus housing, but I applied for those new apartments on the knoll (that hill overlooking the ocean I showed you, Gina and Katie) anyway...I really want to stay on campus, it's just so much easier.

Anyway, it wasn't looking promising, because basically any sophomore or freshman who applies for an apartment would get it before us. But today I discovered it is SO GOOD to have friends in high places (or at least ones who are very insistent). So I applied for a 6 person apartment with my buddies Maria, Lois, Monique, Fred, and then Scott. Maria works in the housing office and basically bugged and bugged Juanita (the woman in charge of housing) until today, Maria came pounding on my door to tell us that Juanita not only agreed to let us have an apartment "under the table" but we got the only apartment with 2 double rooms and 2 single rooms, as opposed to all the other ones with a triple and 3 singles.

It's a huge weight off my chest, and I'm really excited to start buying stuff for our apartment. I still haven't gotten a call from the MTV Santa Monica offices, nor a second call from Burbank, so if I don't end up doing the internship, I'll be working at Macy's again (unless Borders gives me a call...), but I'm okay with that. All the years I've been working there I've been eyeing all the pots and pans and dinnerware and appliances for my first apartment, and now I can buy them really cheap, since I'm the one who puts up the sale signs in the first place. You're probably thinking that I'm waaay too excited about this, and maybe I am, but I've been waiting my whole life to have an apartment of my own, albeit a completely BRAND NEW one. You guys are all going to have to come and visit next year and crash in our pad, with a great view of the ocean.

Anyhoo, good luck to those with finals, and hang in there for those of you still chugging along.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I am a horrible person. And I'm going to make up for it right now.

I'm enjoying the new set up for Blogger. It makes what was already rather easy even more convenient. With the new changes, Jo suggested we experiment with different styles for Random-osity. So, over the next few days I'll be trying out new looks and you guys can post comments [see, they do come in handy] regarding which you like best or whether you'd like to leave Random-osity as it is.

So, one would think with my lack of posting that I've been going non-stop, busy all the time. And, for the most part, that is true. Here's a quick look back and then I'm moving on to the future.

[I'm stealing Jo's bullet point format, with " + " denoting good things and " - " bad things]:

+ Spring Break 2004 was great. We [David, Sierra, Jason, & Todd] went to Yosemite. Hiked around, took pictures, good times. Once at home, I got to go to Pasta Pomodoro and Baker's Square with Gina which we hadn't done in a while.
+ Sierra and I chose our room for next year. We're staying in the same room and everyone else cool is also in Birch [our hall]
+ We recently watched 2+Gether, the movie. Hilarity ensued.
- I'm working up my tolerance. Sorry to be cryptic.
- Midterms and papers.
+ I only have one more day of classes left.
- Then three days of finals. And then three more weeks of summer school.
+ Smittcamp Formal was fun. Got all gussied up and danced the night away.
+ My uncle bought me the entire first season of Gilmore Girls.
- It got up to 98 degrees last week here in Fresno.
+ This past weekend, I drove home with my friend Lily who lives in Concord. I stayed for one night and was back on the road with Lily en route to Wawona [Yosemite] by four the next day. In Wawona, we stayed at David's grandparent's house once again and hiked around. The crew consisted of David, Jason, Kirk, Sara, and Misty.
- Converse shoes were not meant for any sort of hiking so now I have a blister.
+ Todd bought a dozen of the best cookies known to man, Otis Spunmeyer's Turtle cookies [choc cookies, with chocolate chips, caramel, assorted nuts] and Caramel Toffee cookies [the name is fitting].
- My billiards class is over.
+ It was a fun class, and I actually improved a lot. Keep in mind that I was extrememly shitty beforehand, so basically anything would have been a vast improvement. And, to update on the tournament. I ended up with 3 wins, 3 losses, and one tie.

And now for the future.:

As mentioned, I have one more day of classes. Thursday and Friday are consultation days, "Dead Days" and then finals begin on Monday. This weekend, we have a few exciting adventures planned. A Hooter's just opened up in Fresno [side note: it is literally 100 yards away from a Chuck E. Cheese. I thought this irony was hilarious.] We are planning on a trip to see Troy and then go to Hooter's for lunch/dinner. I figure it's something for the ladies [Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom in armor] and something for the gentlemen [girls shaking what their mama - or more likely, their plastic surgeon - gave them.]

I don't figure that finals are going to pose much of a problem for me. At least, that's what I'm hoping.

I have to move out of the dorms by the 21st of May, and into my aunt and uncle's house. I have three weeks of summer school so I should be back in the Bay Area by June 12th. I believe during my stay in Fresno, we're planning many a road trip. One such road trip is for my birthday. I did secure the Pine Mountain Lake cabin for the weekend before my birthday [May 28 - May 30/31.] More details are forthcoming. Sorry I'm slacking on the planning.

Possibly the biggest thing going on in my life right now is the recent decision I made to NOT do camp this summer. Instead, I am going to be a preschool teacher's aide. In addition to being a nanny/glorified babysitter on the side. I made the hard decision based on the fact that I want to be able to actually see my friends and family this summer. Camp is just too intense. I want to be able to go to Lake Tahoe. Even without doing camp, I can still hang out on Thursday Skit Night and Bronco Billy's fundraisers. Plus, the preschool thing pays better, which is always a +.

Well, I think that's pretty much it. Let me know about the look of Random-osity. With all the time I have lately with school ending, I should be posting more regularly. I miss you guys.

And, I know it was from a month ago, but here's the survey that Jo posted:

1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says: "ESTELLE: [after some hesitation]: I agree." It's from No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre.
2) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?: A fish tank that contains Holden, my betta.
3) What is the last thing you watched on TV?: an episode of The Gilmore Girls. The pilot episode to be exact.
4) WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is: 2:32 PM
5) Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?: 2:19 PM. Oh, now I feel like I've gone back in time.
6) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?: The air conditioning in the living room. Me typing those words and people shouting outside my window. And "Grand Theft Autumn" by Fall Out Boy.
7) When did you last step outside? what were you doing?: I was outside about twenty minutes ago to see who was being so loud next door. I was tempted to go down and read on the grass, but then I thought I should finish this post.
8) What are you wearing?: Jeans, a belt that I fashioned out of the strap of my purse, and a blue shirt that has the Swiss Alps on it. I haven't done anything with my hair today.
9) Did you dream last night?: Not that I recall. But two nights ago, I had an unexplainable dream about our plans to go to Hooters. When we got there, it wasn't scantily clad whores who were waitresses. Instead, all of the employees were elderly people. And everyone was okay with that. Odd.
10) When did you last laugh?: I was recently re-reading over all of the quotes that we have on our Quote Wall. One struck me: "My question is, what are they crumbs of?" - Todd, in regards to crumb donuts.
11) What is on the walls of the room you are in?: I have a large world map, several smaller ones from an Ancient World calender, poster of Legolas from LOTR, Fight Club poster, Dashboard Confessional cover of SPIN magazine, and a Guster poster.
12) Seen anything weird lately?: A friend of the guys that live next door was in our room last night juggling various objects. The coolest was three butter knives. Or when he juggled peanut butter, Nutella, and a can of tomato soup.
13) What is the last film you saw?: Last weekend, I watched "Big Fish". Awesome movie.
14) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?: a house. or property.
15) Tell me something about you that I don't know: I can juggle now.
16) If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?: Similar to Jo, I'd attempt to reverse and prevent all of the pollution and damage that humans have done to the environment.
17) Do you like to dance?: Yes. Regardless of talent.
18) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?: Emily.
19) Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?: Hayden.
20) Would you ever consider living abroad?: I am considering doing just that. I've been thinking of joining the Peace Corps after graduation. But I really love California and will probably end up here because I want to raise a family here.

Okay, I'm done. Whew. That might be the longest post, ever.

Love, KT

Friday, May 07, 2004

Yay, HAPPY FRIDAY! I don't really have much to say except for that someone's (aka Katie's) birthday is coming up. =)

Here's my day in bullet points:

- Went to Dante section and Greek class, where I tore it up translating a long passage really well. It was quite exciting, but nerve-wracking too...I was sweating so bad. Greek is damn hard.
- Talked to my section buddies Salvatore and Bradley about plans to attend our old Lit 1 TA Leandra's little "drinks and snacks" get together tomorrow night. I'm really excited, I obviously don't get out much. Those guys are fun...Bradley reminds me of Jason Sposeto, and Salvatore's got a cool name...he kind of reminds me of Jake, personality-wise (that's a good thing, Jake!)
- Walked back to my room, picked up Scott, went downtown to celebrate it being Friday.
- Spent the last of the $15 Coldstone's gift certificates Gina gave me for my birthday (it was YUMMY, thanks again! what a great idea for a gift!).
- Then picked up these Chaco outdoor sandals I ordered from Bugaboo, the sporting goods store. I needed a size 5 and all they had had at the time were size 6. Damn me and my small feet. Anyway, they're extremely comfortable, and I needed some other non-sneaker kind of shoe to wear because my Birkenstocks are DYING. They're so messed up.
- Had dinner at the dining hall...actually pretty decent: steak and rice or baked potatoes.

And now I'm here. Scott was flabbergasted today when he found out (through a random conversation) that I don't know how to play Hearts, so apparently he's going to teach me tonight. I also need to go to the library to watch the last part of "I, Claudius". Those Romans were seriously probably the inspiration for modern day soap operas, they were so corrupt and twisted. "I, Claudius" was made in the 70s, and actually a young, brown curly- haired (not bald!) Patrick Stewart played one of the Roman consuls. It was really cool...until it got to the part where he sleeps with the Emperor's wife...I really did not need to see Patrick Stewart's hairy ass. But I digress....I'm sure you didn't need to know this.

Ahh, last thing. Katie, I heard from Emerald that Jason Mraz is playing in Berkeley on June 14th. Interested?

I should stop rambling. Have a fun and productive weekend, everyone!