We're so cool, it hurts.

Thursday, February 27, 2003

I know, I know. I'm failing miserably on the whole one post a week promise. I'm sure you are all deeply dissapointed.
Not too much going on here. I'm in Psychology class right now, listening intently as I type, type, type away. We got a new Jamba Juice across the street from the dorms this past week. So far, we've been there every night this week - that's three days of Jamba Juice. That's $11.25 this week alone on Jamba Juice. It's gonna make me broke.
My favorite class right now is probably either Communications or Photography. I did my second print in the dark room yesterday for my second assignment, The Geometry of Architecture. It's actually pretty cool. It's exciting to get to see the picture develop right before my very eyes, sort of. The next assignments for Photography are The Attribute of Light and Pictures that Evoke Emotions. Exciting, eh?
Other than that, I haven't been up to much. I came home the past two weeks, but I refuse to come back this weekend. My mom, sister, and grandma came back with me two weekends ago, because I had a holiday on Monday the 17th. I took them around Fresno. We shopped at Costco, Longs, etc. It was fun and it was nice to visit with family. Last weekend, I hung out at home on Friday night, Family Movie Night Fun. Saturday, I went to Gina's garage sale, which apparently garnered her $150. Good show. Then I hung out with Noelley and Shara at my house. We left for the Solemite/Suburban Legends show at 7ish, arrived at L3 7:25 and after 10 minutes, we left to take Shara back to my house so she could ditch us for her boyfriend [I kid, though that is the truth.] Then Noelley and I went back, arriving just in time to see Suburban Legends' set. They were really energetic, the music was just okay. But they had some rather attractive fellas in the band. Solemite was good, we left in the middle of the set because we were bored. Noelley and I then went to Union Landing and watched "Old School." It was funny, stupid funny, but I expected as much. Sunday, I had brunch with 1/2 of my family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Then I left for Fresno.
So, yea that's pretty much an update. Uber-interesting, am I not?

Friday, February 21, 2003

Hey, so guess who it is? Yeah, that's right, it's Deanna! I know, weird, huh? Well, I really don't want to study for my midterm...and so here I am. I am so horrible. It is just so hard to focus right now....Anyway, I'm keeping this short because I'm gonna get back to studying. I hope everyone's doing well, and I'm sorry I missed you this weekend, Katie, but hope to see you and everyone soon! Come visit me!!! Have a good day all.

Friday, February 14, 2003

Thanks so much Kate, i love your thoroughness in the matter...ready for another one? No one has gotten this one yet, but i guess it would be good to account for that fact that about 90% of the dorm kids are home for the weekend...gina & jake, if you guys know this one, let me know...i've only gotten 3 of clint's quotes so far.

"And when you're done say 'My what a lovely tea party.' "

Whew, i have no idea. Thanks you guys, love ya!

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Jo, it's from The Breakfast Club. And it's actually, "Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his WARDROBE?"

I'm coming home this weekend, for a short while. Only Friday and Saturday. See if you guys if I see ya.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Hey guys...this will be a quick post...clint (the movie buff who lives next door) puts up movie quotes regularly, and the one he put up yesterday is driving me nuts....i know i've heard it somewhere before, and no one else has got it yet...i thought maybe you guys could help: "Does Barry Manilow know you raid his closet?"

Thanks you guys! I'm glad everyone is having a great week and all.

Friday, February 07, 2003

Wow, I'm really following through on my goal of a post a week. [Sarcasm, guys, it's sarcasm.] Really, I try to post, but there is just not a lot of time. That is, not a lot of time that I want to spend typing. Honestly, nothing of much importance has happened over the past week or two.
I am, finally, NOT coming home this weekend. After two weekends at home, I think I'm spent on making the three hour one way trek. However, my time at home was very good. The first weekend [the last weekend in January], I spent the whole time with family. It was really nice to do. Ammie and Papa came over for dinner and I took my sister out to lunch at the park. It was relaxing and fun to just take a breather with my family. Last weekend [Friday, the 31st] I came back. Friday we had family movie night and I dyed my hair. Saturday I went to see "The Hours" with Deanna and Jason. Then we galavanted around Union Landing, ending up, for some reason, at Babies 'R Us. Then I went to Gina's. We left at about 6:45ish for a night of Solemite and the KGB. It was great fun, seeing the boys again. We hadn't seen the KGB in about 4-5 months [I think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not sure] and they played a great set [minus the missing few songs.] I got Solemite's new CD "The Reason You Own a Stereo." It's pretty good, just all their live stuff they've been playing lately, but recorded professional like - in their basement. It was produced by Johnny Genius of the KGB so you know it's got to be good.
This week, we didn't really do much. I have a speech today, in about an hour in Communications. We had to do an informative speech and teach the class how to do something. I chose how to make candles. So, this whole week, David [who is potting plants] and I were driving around buying crap at Michael's and Wal-Mart for our speeches. I turned in my first roll of film in Photography. We had to fill up a roll on two subjects: Weathering [like, old rusted stuff. Basically, things that are showing their age] & The Geometry of Architecture. I had fun taking all the pictures. I went with David to where his horse is boarded, because there was a lot of ancient, run-down stuff over near there. I also, sadly, took a lot of the Weathered pictures at my house, as it is old and crappy. I get to see the pictures next Wednesday, when I make a contact print. Like, I said, today is my speech. It shouldn't be that bad. I have to use audience participation, so it should be pretty fun.
We don't really have any plans for this weekend. Cody's Portable Dance Troupe [PDT] performances start today, but we're going to see it on the 11th, because it's free for dorm residents on that day. Kelly and Anne have hockey tonight. So I don't know what I'm going to do. Probably watch movies or something. Anyhow, I should get going, I have to practice my speech.
I promise to write at some point next week. Promise.

Monday, February 03, 2003

Yikes...i hate to be double posting...but i just wanted to say that the NCAA conference was lots of fun and Minneapolis is a beautiful place...i love the snow!!! And Kate's right, both Minnesota and Wisconsin people have accents....very cute ones =). Just wanted to say hi and i hope y'all are having a great week doing whatever you're doing...i got you sugar packets, kate. Anyhoo, love y'all.