Nice blog entry, Kate! Very thorough...I'm back at UCSC now, and i'm killing time, waiting for Scott to hurry and get his ass back to school (he hitched a ride back from Torrance from our friend Austin who lives in San Diego...only trouble is, Austin has a girlfriend back home and likes to leave as late as possible to get back, whereas Scott's girlfriend (ha ha, me) is at school and he wants to get back as soon as here I am waiting and going practically insane for his return.
So I moved back in yesterday night (Sunday) and basically just spent the whole night unpacking and saying hi to people. My roomate Cassie was talking to some uber hot guy named Benji, so I tried to linger around in the room as much as I could. (Ahh, speaking of uber hot guys, Gina, I saw sexy Jew Mike today on the bus, he's taken to dressing in mostly dark beatnik colors instead of the usual brown cords and thrift store shirt, but he is still sexy as hell. I will take a picture ASAP!!!).
Today I just got errands done: went and got my ID validated for the quarter, bought my books (this is insane, for my Intro to Archaeology class, I spent $115 dollars on my books!!! There was a $45 textbook (used), a $15 dollar novel, two readers, a workbook set, and then...there's a set of 10 books that say "see instructor" on them....and I found out that we're going to have to pick one of these books and write a paper on it. So I perused the books, trying to figure out which one I want, and it sucks because the most interesting one, called "Unearthing Gotham" looks like a coffee table book and is $50! But it sounds awesome, its about the archaeology of New York City and how for the past century archaeologists have been digging deeper and deeper into the city, finding amazing artifacts. So anyway, this damn class better be worth all the money I spent!), then went downtown to grab food (I really don't want to eat dining food again, so I'm avoiding it while I still have some money to buy pizza and burritos).
Oh, and I wanted to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU to you guys for a great spring break. Maybe it would have been nice to "party in the Bahamas or get wasted at Cabo San Lucas", but I loved my spring break. I love hanging out with you guys so much, and it always makes me feel wonderful and loved to get stalked at Food Maxx among other things. So yeah, I hope you guys all have a great week and just remember that I love you!! (Man, Dee, your sentimental character is rubbing off on a good way!)