We're so cool, it hurts.

Friday, April 30, 2004

OH MAN what a big ass weight off my chest. Like Gina, I am also at school (because I LIVE HERE, har har har...god look what so much studying is doing to me! That was so lame!) and am done for the day. Just finished my Greek midterm, which I think went great, except for one or two things I screwed up, but overall it went well. Latin midterm on the other hand SUCKED. I looked at that thing for 20 minutes thinking "Uh, what language is this?". Not good. Luckily, however, I'm taking this class Pass/Fail, so basically if I get at least a 50% on each test I'll be fine. Guess we'll see on Tuesday.

In honor of my Dante's Divine Comedy class and working on Inferno right now, here's a little test someone in our class found to figure out which level of hell you're going to end up in...or if you're one of those lucky bastards who get to go to Purgatory and work your way up to Paradise.


I was really surprised that I ended up in the 7th circle: violent to others, self, and God. Damn. Scott ended up in the 3rd circle, gluttons....psssh, what a saint. Oh well, at least when I'm in hell I don't have to be drowning in excrement for all eternity (the punishment for being a glutton). YUM.

Back to work, I guess. Even though the weight of midterms is off my shoulders, I still have a boring-as-hell 300 page book on the wonderful Roman biographer Suetonius (...zzzzz...) and a research paper to start. Have fun at your Golden Key ceremony, Gina, and hope you find something fabulous to wear.

Have a good weekend, all!

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Congrats to Gina for being in the Golden Key Society. Seriously Gina, I think you are waaay more intelligent than you think you are. Good for you! Hope you win a gift certificate, god knows we all need money. And OH! You should come to Santa Cruz to shop for bathing suits...The surf stores have so many, and we could hang out! Boardwalk and Saturn Cafe, here we come! =)

I just got back from a 5 hour study marathon at the library where I ran into my uber-hot TA from last quarter, George. I was looking up something at the computer and he came up behind me to say hi. He was working on his thesis and had a stack of books with him...god I love a man who reads, even if it is to write a thesis. Apparently he's graduating this quarter...must get a picture before he leaves! (Damn, it's so strange to have a crush when you're with someone else...I mean, nothing's going to happen and I would never cheat on Scott, but I feel guilty anyway. Am I a bad person?)

I had dinner really quickly, and now I'm about to go back (it's hard to study in the room, Windy always takes naps and I become tempted to do the same)...but I wanted to put up this survey...I picked out the questions I thought were interesting. You don't have to do it, I just thought that if you were trying to evade doing work (like me at this moment) you might like this. Enjoy!

1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says: "crossed over to Macedonia where he blockaded Pompey for almost four months..." (UGH, Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars)
2) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?: An Arrowhead water bottle holding a rose Scott got me...ghetto, I know, but I didn't have a vase.
3) What is the last thing you watched on TV?: "American Chopper" on Discovery Channel. The dad scares the crap out of me, yikes. But those guys make awesome motorcyles.
4) WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is: 6:25 PM
5) Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?: 6:32 PM. Crap, so close!
6) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?: Birds going "cheep cheep cheep" outside and somebody peeing in the bathroom.
7) When did you last step outside? what were you doing?: Around 5:00 PM...leaving the library to go eat dinner.
8) What are you wearing?: Beat-up brown Birkenstocks, khaki shorts, a ribbed grey tank top, and about a dozen bobby pins in my awkwardly growing out hair.
9) Did you dream last night?: probably...but I don't remember what about.
10) When did you last laugh?: When I was at in the movie room at the library watching Part 10 of "I, Claudius." There was a scene with Roman and German soldiers together and I thought it was hilarious that the German soldiers were all tall, blue-eyed and uber-hot, as opposed to the short, fat, hairy Roman soldiers. Way to go, Aryan stereotypes!
11) What is on the walls of the room you are in?: A world map, my "Running is like a game of chess" Adidas poster, and a Messier objects poster. (That's not including Windy's side of the room)
12) Seen anything weird lately?: Yeah...this guy was leaving the dining hall with his big Nalgene water bottle stuffed full of hot dogs and buns. Sneaky bastard!
13) What is the last film you saw?: I finally watched "Chasing Amy" last night. It was funny because that scene where Holden is telling Alyssa that he loves her, I felt like I had seen it already because I remember that after Katie saw it (I think in 7th grade or so...I remember being in the computer room when this happened) she raved about it and practically recited the whole thing to me. I liked the movie a lot, by the way.
14) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?: A house. Definitely a house.
15) Tell me something about you that I don't know: Hmm...If I had a choice I wouldn't wear a bra ever again, they're so damn uncomfortable.
16) If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?: Gad, what a question. Hmmm...there's so much...taking away hatred and war, making everyone appreciate and conserve the environment and its resources, having true equality in every sense of the word....well, this sounds really horrible but I guess to kill all those birds with one stone I would probably make it so that humans never existed so that we couldn't have messed up the planet in the first place.
17) Do you like to dance?: Yes, but I really suck at it.
18) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?: Eva
19) Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?: Lukas (hell yeah, after Luke Skywalker!)
20) Would you ever consider living abroad?: Definitely. But I would come back to California for the last couple years of my life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Whew, what a week. It's strange, I've had what has felt like a very busy week, but I can't think of a single interesting thing to say about it, nothing that seems worth talking about, anyway. I'll give it a try though, if I'm boring, I'm sorry, just ignore me:

Last week was just lots of doing homework non-stop. I have to say that the weeks feel like they're flying by really fast. I have midterms next week, MIDTERMS! Dude, I feel like I just came back from spring break, what happened?! I still really dislike the fact that I have a class at 6pm...when I get back I just don't feel like doing anything.

I was just thinking that I really miss my car and hanging out with you guys. Since it's so damn hard to take the bus places, most of the time I just don't bother and end up holing myself up in my room watching TV when I'm not doing homework. And oh man, it would be really nice to have some money.

Scott and I did end up doing something fun this weekend though. All week I'd been really antsy, just wanting to get out. So we decided to go the Boardwalk on Saturday...but what sucks is that it had been pretty sunny all week and the on Saturday it suddenly started raining. UGH. But we had been so set on going that we went anyway, and luckily the rain cleared up, though it stayed really windy. That ruled out going to the beach. (It was crazy, we tried to walk by the water but the wind was so strong that we kept getting pelted by the sand...it was like being in a sandstorm or something...isn't it supposed to be SPRING right now??). So instead we just rode a couple rides and ate a lot of nostalgic food. Bumper cars, haunted mansion, (we were supposed to go on Giant Dipper but Scott forgot his inhaler and apparently if he gets too excited he could have an asthma attack...yikes), chocolate dipped bananas, caramel apples with peanuts, and a cherry and watermelon shaved ice. YUM. So it ended up being a lot of fun....I guess we'll just have to wait for better weather so we can go to the beach.

Of course, the weekend wasn't long enough, and all too soon it was Monday again. It's just been the usual, going to class, reading, translating, etc. Oh, except that I had my interview with the Nickelodeon Studio (owned by MTV) in Burbank on Monday. Apparently it's just a preliminary interview...if they like me, they'll call me for a second one in a couple weeks. If they don't like me, I get a rejection letter in the mail. Fun. Anyhoo, I don't know how well it went, I felt like I was rambling like an idiot when they were asking me questions (it was only 20 mins. but it felt like forever). I think the worst question was "Who do you think works harder, animators or actors, and why?" OH MY GOD...I had no idea. I think I said something along the lines of animators working harder because the characters that they have to work with are a 2-D drawing on a piece of paper that they have to make come "alive" or some crap like that. MAN. I was slightly consoled by the fact that I would rather work at the Santa Monica MTV studio than the Nickelodeon one in Burbank, but I still felt really dumb. I need to work on my interviewing skills.

So believe it or not, Geng is going to be graduating soon, which also means that the Dinner Dance is coming up soon too. She was really excited...she called me today to tell me she got her dress, a light blue strapless pouffy one. Good for her, it just reminded of that ugly-ass $20 red dress I wore to our Dinner Dance. I thought I looked fabulous, what the hell was I thinking?? I still can't get over the fact that she's graduating....I feel quite old. I think I will be reminded of this when Ellie graduates in a few years.

So here I am now, blogging because I don't want to do my Greek translation. Sorry Gina, I ate all my Easter candy already, damn! But I do still have $5 left from the Coldstone gift certificates you sent me, when the weather gets better I think I will indulge. Hope ya'll are having a good week.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Hi. Sorry I have been neglectful. I promise an actual post at some time this week, I swear. I did however, add to our lovely site the ability to make comments on each post. Enjoy!

Love, Katie

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I have to keep this short...school sucks! Stupid me for taking both Latin and Greek translation this quarter, it's killing me. And the fact that I don't have Latin until 6pm makes me lazy, so I put off my homework until the hour before class. I really need to get my act together.

On the bright side, the weather is nice, and I should probably take a clue from Gina and Jake to get my ass out in the sun and get to the beach or something, it's Santa Cruz for heaven's sake. Screw homework, I'm going to the beach! =) (I wish...I think that fear of my professors trumps my love of the sand and surf).

Gina and Jake, hope you guys had fun at Modest Mouse! And Happy Spring Break to Katie!

**EDIT** - Ahh, I totally forgot about something. So, I can't remember if I told you guys this, but in December I had applied for a summer internship at MTV Networks at the Burbank, Santa Monica, and New York offices. Last Friday I got a call from the Santa Monica office asking for an interview!!! So I have a phone interview in about two weeks....I'm really excited that I got the call, but thinking about it more, I think it would be really sad to be away from the Bay Area all summer...I won't be able to see you guys, Geng is about to go to Moreau and I won't be there to help her get ready, and I won't be able to run XC with the Moreau kids at fun runs. But I guess we'll see what happens...if I get this internship, it'll be a great opportunity, but if I don't, it's just a sign that I should stay at home. But if I do get it, you guys have to come visit!!