We're so cool, it hurts.

Thursday, November 29, 2001

Once again, I find myself procrastinating. I was stumbling around aimlessly across random websites, and I found this one where this girl, Justine, listed out things that she likes. The title was "I Might Love You If You. . ." I really liked some of the things she said, and the whole concept, so I stole it off of her. I gave her mention on the site though, so..hopefully, that's satisfactory. I also, must say that some of the things I listed I got directly from her [but only about 15 of the 50 some-odd things.] Anyway, take a gander when you have a free moment.

I Might Love You If You . . .

P.S. Random-Osity folks, I expect, AFTER the college deadlines, of course, a list similar in purpose to mine. So as to make myself seem less psycho [who makes a list for Christsakes?] It doesn't have to be so verbose as my list seems to be at times, but it'd be nice if it was evident that time was spent on it. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Okay, so this week has been busy, to say the least. What with college applications to be sent in, scholarship deadlines to be met, make up tests to be, well...made up. Not to mention throw in 26 hours at work, an impending Yearbook deadline that I'm not sure my staff is ready for, and the fact that in my Anatomy & Physiology class, I have to dissect a cat. Now, I'm not sure about you, but I, for one, am not jumping at the chance to see the internal workings of an alley cat [however, my lab partner - Shara - & I named our cat. His/Her - we haven't gotten to that part of the dissection, yet - name is Figaro.] Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone [read: you, the only person who ever reads this..ever] know that I am, indeed, still alive. So yes, Katie's still around, just...with a newfound lack of time. And that, unfortunately leads to a neglection [that word sounds really weird to me, did I just make it up?] of the wonder that we refer to as Random-Osity. So, wish me [and every other college bound senior in the nation] luck with the whole college fiasco. Here's hoping I stay sane!!

Side Bar: I'm going to make an attempt to, somehow, make a little meeting spot for all the Close-Up 2001 participants. If any of you have any ideas as to how to do so [my original idea was to set up an eGroup or eCircle, but apparently, those are no longer functioning websites], let me know. E-Mail me here!Thanks!!


Thursday, November 22, 2001

So. I haven't visited here in almost 2 weeks. Which quite possibly could mean: I have a life!!! Of course, that's always debatable.
I'm back from Washington, D.C. and I had an AMAZING time. Wonderful people, great sites, good times were had by all. I will, at some later point, get into an indepth report, if you will, of my trip, but not quite yet. It's just too much typing. One quick note though, I ended up not having to room with Rebecca "Bladder Problem" Abdenour. I was roomies with Erin Martin who is really, really cool. She and I got along really well for not having known each other all that well before the trip. Anyway, I had a great time in D.C., but I paid for it all this week because of all the make up work I had to get done, which eventually led to sleep deprivation. Overall though, the trip was tremendously worth it. I actually really miss Washington, D.C. It had a really good feel to it. Plus the trees were gorgeous.
Weezer was also really fun [minus the fact that the hot boys behind us in line were more interested in Gina's mother than in Gina & I.]
But now, I must be going to my grandparent's house for Thanksgiving. Bye Bye!

[wrong holiday you say? bah]

Monday, November 19, 2001

School and Vicodin aren't a bad combination, Jake.

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Hey guys... I haven't posted in a long, long time, but I haven't been to school since last Tuesday anyway. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth yanked on Friday, so I'd have been feeling like a big old pile of crap since then, if not for Vicodin. Anyway, I missed 5 consecutive days of school (a record for me), but I didn't miss learning ANYTHING. All of my classes were exactly where they were when I left. But after thinking about it, my classes aren't really that far from where they were when school started 2.5 months ago. People here are always either eating granola or climbing mountains. No time to teach poor Noelley...
Oh yeah, Since Katie's not around, let me tell you about her roommate for the trip to DC. Her name is Rebecca Abdenour, and I've known her since Kindergarten, but haven't liked her since we were in first grade when she tried to pee on my friend Shannon and I during story time. Really, bladder control is only the beginning of her issues. This girl used to make the teachers give her class time to perform these "funky-fresh" dance routines she'd make up when she was sitting at home praying for friends until we were in sixth grade! I told Katie to watch out, but I know Becca will seduce her with one of her dances and little Katie won't be prepared at all.

Friday, November 09, 2001

Hey guys. So, tomorrow, I leave for Washington, D.C. Please, pray that I make it back alive. Let's have no more of this hijacking nonsense, shall we? Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the week that I'm spending there for the school trip, Close-Up. It should be a lot of fun and I should get a lot of opportunities that otherwise would've been nonexistent. We're going to the Arlington Cemetary, Capitol Hill, Williamsburg Virginia, The Vietnam Memorial, Ford's Theatre, etc, etc! I'm excited...yay!
Alright, I have to go finish packing. I'll probably make up for the lack of blogs with, as Noelle eloquently put it, "a marathon long blog" when I get back home [which sould be around next Saturday or Sunday.] Anyway, I'll miss you all and don't have too much fun without me.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

I'm suffering from a lack of...well, everything. Time, enthusiasim, sleep, and the list goes on and on. Therefore, I'm sorry, but this will be the end of this blog.
By the by: is anyone going to the bouncing souls concert? Does anyone want to give me a ride to the Bouncing Souls concert tomorrow?