How come my posts are always so much longer than anyone else's? Geez, I'm that longwinded?! Sorry guys.
Thursday, February 28, 2002
* Katie * posts:
* Katie * posts:
Who is the source of this ridiculous claim that Shara and I "hoe[d] it up" at the Talent Show? I maintain that we were both in very sensible clothing [even for Shara]. If Lauren is the one spreading these hurtful rumors then they can easily be thrown out, given her judgment of character and her own personal mental state [need I remind you, Noelley, about the dinner at your grandparents' house at which Lauren started humming the clown/carnival theme - you know the one I'm talking about.] Either way, neither Shara, nor I were anything of the sort.
God guys, I am not at all ready for the 'real world' that's ominously looming in front of me. It's scary. Fresno is pretty far removed from the people/places that comprise my comfort zone. I mean, yes, I am comfortable there, seeing as I go down there about 4-6 times a year, but it's completely different to be going down there, potentially on my own, to be truly independent. I don't know, maybe I'll be singing a new tune when it comes down to actually living out my life there. I am excited. But it's an anxious sort of excitement.
Just how far away is Santa Clara [congrats Noelley] from Fresno? 2 and a half hours, maybe 3? Well worth the trip, I think. Especially if all you guys end up there. All you guys = Noelley, Deanna, Shara, & Jo. Oh well, I'll just be hanging out in the bowling alley at the Fresno State Student Union, cheering on my Bulldogs.
I guess I can live with that. Especially when they're paying for everything.
Anonymous posts:
Firstly, I didn't mean "proper ladies", I meant "proper" and "ladies" separately, as in "you two ladies skanked it up properly." As in you did it up right, spared all class and just went out to hoe it up as best you could. Is that true? Oh, also, Santa Clara accepted me, and I think I'll probably go there next year. Its snowing like crazy right now so I won't have school tomorrow, but I think I'm going to go to sleep anyways. Much love, peace out.
Wednesday, February 27, 2002
* Shara posts:
where did you hear that from noelle??? and what do you mean by that? what are "proper ladies"? WTF?
any hoo GINA!!! good yer voice is back !!! ARE you going on friday and saturday?
well that's preeety much it
love you guys
Monday, February 25, 2002
Anonymous posts:
Katie...I heard you and Shara were dressed/ acting like a proper pair of "ladies of the evening" at the talent show. True?
* Katie * posts:
So, I keep on coming here, hoping to God that someone has posted so I have something new to read when I'm bored. However, much to my dissapointment, I am, time and time again, finding NOTHING. And so, instead of cursing you all for not posting, I thought that I would do my part. However, I do hope that this post inspires you all to post, as coming on here and only finding my new post is not very exciting.
And now for an update: I had a semi-busy weekend.
Friday: Solemite + others at "The Club" [which, in all actuality turned out to be this Teen Center, complete with rec room-ish couches and fooseball table] in Pacifica. Long drive, but it was worth it. Friday was Jifa's birthday and they dedicated a song to her, which was nice. They're turning out to be pretty good guys who play awesome music. Fun!
Saturday: Stayed at Jifa's until four [Shara & I slept over after the show - which ended at 10:30-ish - {after which we went to Castro Village Bowl -why?- and saw Marco Dapper - !!! - and then went to a 24 hour Safeway to get food}.] Went home, showered, etc and then went to the Talent Show @ Moreau. Driving to Milpitas closed the night and I admit, were very good [despite my beef with a certain bass player who, for some reason finds it impossible to add a link to Random-Osity to their site. I mean, c'mon Chiwide. We here at Random-Osity are your guys' biggest fans. Show us a little linkin' love - hmm, that sounds a little like lincoln logs.] I liked the new song a lot. Not too much of excitement at the Talent Show. Rion Graham was really impressive and Rahi & Christian's band, Lancaster was surprisingly good [the adverb surprisingly is not meant to be a offensive statement, I just didn't know what to expect]. Nebulous was fun. That's enough of that.
Sunday was Family Day. Seeing as I'm going to be nonexistent next wekeend [Fri & Sat are Solemite & KGB shows and Sunday to Monday is the Senior Retreat], I thought that I should spend some quality time with the family.
And I think that wraps things up. Now, POST YOU GUYS. Please. When I get home after work [come visit me!] there better be something of substance up in here.
postscript: I got into Smittcamp! YAY! I'm happy. Ecstatic even.
Tuesday, February 19, 2002
* Katie * posts:
Okay. As of recent, a few people have been asking about my situation regarding my unrequited feelings towards this guy. This has caused me to really think about why I continue to like someone who, for all intents and purposes, is practically an untouchable. I was discussing [it was a pretty one-sided discussion - Sorry] with Jake last night and I think I've finally been able to put into words. And so, I'm posting it on here. This is both in answer to people's questions about my continued feelings for him, and, in a way, a validation for myself. I don't yet know quite what I'm validating, but, there ya go. And guys, just for the sake of anonymity, please refrain from using his name. Please. [And remember, if you do, I'm the administrator and I can kick your arse of this blog sooo fast]. Thanks, guys.
February 18, 2002 - roughly 7ish [?]
[oh, and before I forget: I got that analogy/example of the straw from Shara. Credit is due to HER]
FlickyChik: this is as best as i can explain it [and i'm fully aware that you didn't ASK for an explanation]..
eeljamming: oh, im listening
FlickyChik: it's not even that i like him, i mean, i do, i'm not going to deny that any longer...but, the reason i think I KEEP liking him is just to have SOMEONE to think about
FlickyChik: ya know when you tie a straw wrapper and pull it to see if the knot remains, thus showing whether or not the person you're thinking about is thinking about you, too [maybe it's a sappy girl thing]...well, i always think about him for that
FlickyChik: and i KNOW that i dont stand a chance with him at the present moment, but just being able to get excited over the thought or the image of someone
FlickyChik: i mean, it's not even really him, it's just all the different things that are encapsulated in him, all the different things that are on my list of the perfect just so happens that he meets like 75% of all the requirements
FlickyChik: it's nice to have someone to think about
FlickyChik: even if i know that he's not thinking about me
eeljamming: =)
FlickyChik: and there ya have it
And there YOU have it. Sorry, this post was sort of self-centered. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, February 17, 2002
* Shara posts:
"if possible" MY ASS!!! SQUARE KATIE! (in respose to her 2/17/2002 post)
IT will (my middle name) be a WEEKLY occurance!!! NO QUESTIONS! NO DOUBT about it!
Yes friday was the best ever!!! I had so much freakin' fun!
- I got to stand and dance front row for Solemite
- I got a drumstick from "my drummer boy" w/ "I <3 Shara - Mike" signed on it
- I got to talk to my drummer boy
- my drummer boy said bye to me
- finally got Demo Superstars w/ Mike's signature on it
- a Solemite sticker
- a Solemite pin
- got invited to the after party though we didn't get to go due to Square Katie (j/k, you know I love you katie!) we (my middle name) go next time (shara's middle name = "WILL" better remember that! because that is what's driving this MISSION)
- (and lastly, (though this list doesn't come close to describing all of the happenings of that night) on a superficial level) got to wear my new tank
- Scary guy was hitting on me the whole night and said from out of no where in my ear, "I like Chinese women" I said "Ha that's great! I'm not Chinese." He then said "Me gusta tu" = "I like you" and I said ... well no I didn't say anything I just laughed and looked away and he laugh and tried to say something else but just stopped himself and said "oh, shit." LOL that was one of the many FUNNY FUNNY moments that night
- Scary driving/screaming
- Erin & "Victoria"
BAD Times:
well this is only sorta bad, but I missed out on getting felt up by Toby too because I was on my mission to meet the drummer boy! oh well!
Can't wait to get and accomplish more MISSIONS, guys!
"Cool Stuff, Good Times, Mission Concerts"
- shara
* Katie * posts:
Friday Night's Recap:
Similar to Shara's message on my mirror, here are the good & bad times for Friday Night:
* the "watering hole" - how convienent was that? plus it was right next to the semi-attractive Blake's guy
* the driving - hilarious, how many things did we hit/almost hit/get hit by?
* the kisses from Solemite's resident manwhore were rather nice, even though it was one of many given out that night
* Solemite and the K.G.B. both kicked our respective arses
* actually getting in - let this be known by all, Blake DOESN'T check ID's. I mean, one of the girls who went with us was a sophomore, and looked it, and she got in, no problem. [And yes, I admit it, I am a square. Sorry for the whole going psycho thing re: anticipation about getting in/not getting in, etc.]
* Jifa pretty much getting molested by Toby of the KGB
* Shara getting to talk to her little drummer boy
* Hector and the rest of his drunken crew - how pedophile-ish was all of that nonsense?
* losing the Solemite button I had purchased not more than an hour before
* having to witness Drunk Erin & Drunk Veronica/Victoria make out
* the revealing of just how square I really am to everyone [Katie's new name = Katie "The Square" or, perhaps, Square Katie]
* coming home
In summation, it was quite fun. We plan to make it a weekly occurance, if possible. It's fun to have something to get excited over. [Which, Shara, also sort of explains the whole situation that brought on a psychoanalysis of Katie.]
Thanks for a good night, guys.
Love, Katie
Wednesday, February 13, 2002
* Katie * posts:
Someone, answer me this: Why do I even sign on? I mean, I have stacks of homework that need to be finished. Honest to God, the world could open up and swallow me alive, and I'd still have all these French assignments. Why then, do I always somehow end up back online, not doing anything I should be doing. I can't count how many times in the last month I've fallen asleep doing homework, and therefore, fallen asleep with the lights in my bedroom still on. My parents are threatening to make me pay the PG&E bill. I don't understand why it is impossible for me to just do my friggin' homework when I get home and then have all the time in world to skrew around with. I'm aggravated at myself. Grrr.
On another note, I need advice. First off, how old do I look? That is, how old could I be? If you don't know me personally, take a gander at the Photo Album [link is to the left.] What age could I pass for? Let me know, please, SOON. Thanks.
That is all.
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
* Shara posts:
New undiscovered show
Feb 22, Friday, @ the Club in Pacifica starts at 7:00 only $3.00
Be there or be square
* Shara posts:
OUR MISSION IS WELL ON ITS WAY!!!! We are going to Blake's on Friday and no one or thing is gonna stop us! BY GOD!----i will get Katie and I into that restaurant/bar and I will have fun and NOTHING will stop me! I will use every ounce of power and determination contained in my bones to get us in and at the end of the nig- I mean morning (because that is what it will be when we finally go home) we will have hung out with the band and had our ice cream and ate it too . . .
Overr and out
Double OOOh shara
Sunday, February 10, 2002
* Shara posts:
well here it is again
hello random peoples we have found new and to obsess over SOLEMITE!!! and a new mission that we will carry on (or I will if nobody else will) for the rest of senior year and maybe our lives, MISSION:Concert INFULTRATION, EVERY WEEK!!! I started this concert planner about a month ago (which is actually my ex- college palnner) and now i have recruited Katie onto the mission as well!!! and hopefull more will join the mission!!!
*** = have tickets, are going
** = will have tickets, will go
* = want desperately to go but might not be able to because of parents/ don't know where the location is/ $/ pior commitments
~ = maybe
** Feb 15, Friday: KGB & Solemite
* Feb 23, Sat: KGB (& maybe Solemite)
* Feb 28, Thurs: 311 & Hoobastank
* March 1, Fri: KGB (& maybe Solemite)
** March 2, Sat: KGB, Solemite, Monkey, The Locals, American Rebus
* March 7, Thurs: The Gorillaz
***March 13, Wed: Dashboard Confessional
~ March 25, Mon: No Doubt
MORE TO COME!!! Come to my posts for concert updates!!!!!!!
have a delicious day!
- shara
* Shara posts:
* Katie * posts:
Last night was a good night. Perhaps one of the bests of nights.
We [where "we" = Katie, Gina, Shara, & Jifa] went to Battle of the Bands at Chabot College. The battle itself was only okay. We saw there was a pattern developing where, the right side of the stage [as you're looking at it] was the "Good Side" and the left side was the "Crappy Side". There were upwards of maybe three bands that I would label was Really Good. And they were, in order of goodness, Solemite, Brickhead, and Flash Over. With Vantage-X a little behind. Anyhow, the show was good and we got to meet some cool people, who gave us some free stuff. Thanks!
Afterwards, we headed over to Albertons, because no night is complete without a little oogling at Greg "I-Talk-Outta-One-Side-Of-My-Mouth" Collins. I'm sensing a little something in the future for him and Gina. Hmm. What do we have here?
Tomorrow, I get out of school at 11:45 [after a day which, I'm hoping for ASB's sake goes off without any hitches] and Gina doesn't have school at all, so we may make plans to go galavanting to nearby cities. Who knows.
Hey, everyone, there's a KGB show on March 2nd. Anyone else up for it? $8 @ the Pound in SF. Any takers?
Also, Dashboard Confessional on March 13 @ Slim's. Yay! March is going to = Katie's [And Potentially Katie/Shara/Gina's] Concert Month!
Bon soir.
Thursday, February 07, 2002
Anonymous posts:
* Katie * posts:
I promised myself that I would post tonight, so here I go. I fear that if I posted about what I really want to post about, I would ramble on and on for far more time than my need for sleep allows. Thusly, I'm setting a time limit on my blog. The time is now 12:16PM and, I'm giving myself tweleve minutes to fit in as much information as I can about whatever it is that I choose to post about. So I guess I should actually start the posting.
I talked to Noelle on the phone today for the first time since New Year's. We shared stories re: school, boys, etc. Good fun. Then we called up Shara and we all just talked for about a half hour. It was nice to be able to talk again, the three of us, our little Libarie Gang.
I'm liking all my classes right now. Except for French. I'm just not finding any use for it. It's strange, because all my other classes seem to connect in some sort of way, giving me an inkling that perhaps all this random information I'm being taught really is useful. For example, when things I learned in Ethics are repeatedly mentioned in both Statistics and Economics, I think that perhaps it actually is a good thing that I had to go through the whole learning process. However, when it comes to French, it's just off, on it's own, in it's separate, disparate French-y little world. It just seems it's serving no purpose. Atleast the years before it was fun to learn about. Now, all we're doing is grammar. I like the more cultural aspect to the language/country, and I miss that part of class.
I uploaded a lot more pictures onto the Photo Album [link.] I would like to highlight two things that I added. These are the two surveys that Deanna & I took in our AP Gov't [I love typing/writing gov't like that!] class. I scanned them in because I liked some of our responses. So, here are the links: Katie's Survey and Deanna's Survey.
The time is now 12:26 and I have to go to sleep. Good night.
Saturday, February 02, 2002
* Katie * posts:
My cousin Nate, in his many hours spent online, has found many an interesting site. Here's a list:
Zombo it's irratating, but funny
Hooger Brugge This one has tons of neato flash sequences and it's pretty fascinating [plus a great place at which to waste time]
Deviant Art A lot of folks upload their original photography or Photoshop projects on to this site. My couin's stuff is under the name Derghaust.
All for now.