We're so cool, it hurts.

Monday, December 31, 2001

To All:
The Festivities That Are Katie's New Year's Soiree Shall Commence Promptly [Ha!] At 7:00 -ish. Basically, you can show up to this "intimate gathering of friends" anytime after 6:30. Okay, see ya there.

Friday, December 28, 2001

Okay, I made a few changes. Actually, not so much changes, but additions. I've set up a Random-Osity photo album. Gina & I plan to waste a WHOLE ROLL of film on the folks of Random-Osity, get them put on a disk, and then have an online album of us all. Doesn't that just sound breathtaking. Anyhow, right now, you all will just have to be satisfied with this.
The Temporary Random-Osity Photo Album

Monday, December 24, 2001

Geez, It's been awhile. Nine days [haven't heard anything about them in quite awhile, Jo] since I last posted. Not so much has happened, I'm in Fresno right now. We had our Christmas yesterday [the 23rd] because that was the only time all my family here [which consists of everyone on my dad's side] could be together to eat and open gifts. Yes, it's true, I do have Christmas Fresno style [Fresno style = in a hotel room, complete with fake plant decorated by paper rings - very classy.]
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you all to have a great Christmas. Also, like my French teacher told us [after having read us a story having something to do with a guy bringing home a prostitute, who then, somehow, gave birth] it's important to remember what Christmas is all about. And I don't mean the whole Jesus thing, although, yes that does heavily factor into the meaning for some people. I'm thinking more along the lines of love and family, yada yada yada.

Anyway, another reason for the bloggage is to invite you all [if I know you that is. If you're some random reader from across the country, sorry but the invitation does not stand] to [drum roll please]:

Katie's New Year's Soiree

and yes, that is the correct spelling of soiree [which, by the by, is pronounced swore-ay]

This is all occurring on New Year's Eve [as in December 31st] at Katie's house. God willing, my father will clean up the shed out in the backyard, so we can have it in there. I'll move the pool table, ping pong table, dart board, and foosball game out there, so it'll be ROCKIN' GOOD FUN!.
I also plan to ask Driving to Milpitas [minus Chiwide, who's out of the country] to perform. You could even call it a gig. Anyway, lemme know if you have any requests for the evening. And of course, the fact that the event is taking place at my house, you know there's no alcohol/drugs of sorts [because I'm Designated Katie and don't mix with the illegal stuff.]

Well, I've got to be going. Time for the three hour drive home from Fresno. Highway 5 Rules!!

Sunday, December 23, 2001

Hey everyone! It is December 23 and exactly two days till Christmas! I am very excited. This break, though short, has proven to be great because I have no homework due on the Monday we come back to school. Of course I have a load of college apps to deal with, but I'm okay with that. And of course I haven't touched them at all... Oh well.

My vacation so far has consisted of work, and watching tv / movies. I rented Bridget Jones' Diary and Princess Diaries, both of which I have liked. Who was the guy that Katie really liked? The one with the band? The guy who started all of this blogging? Anyway... I recommend both of those movies.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and I am working. I am also working on the 27th. Eight hours! I hate my job now. Because the library will be oh so busy after Christmas...

Well, I'm gonna go. I have seen a pattern in my blogs... All I do is bitch. Sorry!

Saturday, December 15, 2001

I'm happier right now than I have been in awhile, and for simple reasons. I'm just on a natural high. Actually, to be completely honest, I'm on a Joel-high. Allow me to explain:
Band Fest was good fun. All the bands were really great; they all chose good songs to sing [case in point: La Bamba as a closing song for =M=] and each band seemed to be really prepared.
Okay, now the juicy stuff. A lot of colleges have gone on their Winter Break recently, so, I wasn't surprised when a lot of alums came to visit tonight at Band Fest. I was really happy when this guy, whom I'd always had a sort of a crush on was there. Now let me paint a picture: Joel is beautiful. I mean, he's just...dreamy. At face value, he's a work of art. Well, to make a long, overly drawn out story short, I got to talk to him a lot more tonight, and got an accidental "private concert" [Joel had performed last year at Band Fest]. I had a really good time. Not simply because of Joel or anything [I'm not that obsessed and/or superficial...really I promise that I'm not], but just because it was fun. Just good, clean fun. And I'm happy. And that's important. Okay, enough.

P.S.: Our junior years of high school, myself and the other people in Junior Honors English had to make a website. Well, much to my surprise. I found our websites. Here, for fun!

Shara & Katie's Site
Johanna & Jason's Site
Deanna & Ryan's Site

And, Noelley, I didn't forget you. You're page wasn't linked on the Moreau site because technically, 2nd period English never finished their pages, apparently.

Thursday, December 13, 2001

If I've said it once, I've said it...once: It's a damn small world. Yes, Jake, you probably do know Chiwide, because he did, in fact, go to Ochoa. Do/Did you not like him? Chiwide's cool. Gets a little rambly sometimes, and lets his anger out far too often, but overall: cool.
Someone tell me why I even signed on just now. I'm tired, I still have homework to do, but heaven forbid I go to sleep without checking out Random-Osity. I need help.
In other news, I think my coworker, Javier., is uber-cool. He's the best. He develops all my pictures for me in like 30 minutes and never complains about the multitude of rolls that I bring in [for last minute Yearbook pictures.] And he plays good music in the photo department. So, everyone say "Yay!" for Javie!!
Needless to say, I need sleep. So, off I go....


Alright, now that that is out of the way. How is everyone? For some reason, I'm happy right now. Perhaps it is the flashback to sixth/seventh grade that was just inspired by Jo's [for reasons unknownst to myself] bringing of the Weird Al Yankovic CD to school today. We just listened to the Alternative Polka, and I knew all the words [Yes, I'm very ashamed.]
Anyway, tomorrow is Band Fest - 2nd Annual Band Fest to be exact. A Moreau sponsered, AID benifitting concert of sorts put on by Moreau garage bands. I'm pretty excited because it'll be the first REAL [real = over 25 people in attendance] concert for our friends' band, Driving to Milpitas [see the links to the left.] Yay! Let's all cheer for them!

On a somehow related note, I believe that everyone should go visit their local WinMx, Morpheus, so on and so forth and download some Dashboard Confessional songs [my personal faves at the moment are A Plain Morning & Shirts and Gloves]. Chris, the only of the one man band, just has an amazing voice [example: When he yells, it sounds good. No one is supposed to sound good when they yell. Yet, he does. And when he's not yelling, it's even better.] It's sad, but peaceful. Kinda strange, yes. But I love it.
Anyway, they will be more to be said tomorrow. Bye Bye.

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Okay I will admit I did this test some 5 times, because I didn't want to have the same one as anyone else (I got the one Noelley got first, which is cool too) but I think this piece portrays me pretty well. I just think that it's just weird how if I change one thing on the quiz, I get a different piece of art.

If I were a work of art, I would be Edvard Munch's The Scream.

I express the subconscious troubles and anxieties of the world. I hold my head and let loose the primal terror of my innermost fears, surrounded by a lurid landscape which reflects my feeble grasp on reality.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

Hmm..well I guess a "feeble grasp on reality" is a nice way to put it...Don't I look pretty in the morning???

OH YEAH..I almost forgot! Hi! I'm back, after an unintentional hiatus...i'm sure you didn't miss me and i'm sorry to be very intrusive after not blogging in what, 2 months??? So yes, I'm still alive =) Will write more later, I promise! I have to go write an essay for Notre Dame. Yuck. (Assuming "The Scream" position)...

If I were a work of art, I would be Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory.

I am a surreal landscape composed of several disjointed and bizarre components. I like to keep an eye on the time, although the very concept is fluid for me. People are never sure what they are seeing when they look at me.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

Monday, December 10, 2001

Your art test is scary...

If I were a work of art, I would be Heironymous Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights.

I am decadent and depraved. I have an eye for small details and love to fit in as much hedonistic pleasure as possible in everything I do. I buck authority and am not afraid to make a statement outside approved channels.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

Yea, I didn't type that whole blurb out, it came automatically when I took the Art Test. Just to letchy'al know

If I were a work of art, I would be Claude Monet's Waterlilies.

I am soft and gentle, but very colourful. Although based in reality, I look at the world through a filter of impressions which shape how I see things. Splashes of light help to define my presence and bring an endearing quality.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

Sunday, December 09, 2001

I'm not quite sure what is going on with the customers at Long's. In two days, I have been hit on three times. And I'm not even including the random, 40-year-old crackheads who usually hit on all us female Long's employees [and I'm not making this up - There's this one guy who I'm convinced has Tourette's who always asks, loudly, if I'm single. And he always tells me, with a wink, to "Keep the change, baby." He's really filthy.] Anyway, back to the recent past, on Friday night these two, rather attractive fellows come on in to Longs. One of them, the hotter of the two, bought milk [my guess is that he's younger than 21.] And the other, less attractive one, bought $40.00 worth of Budweiser. Then they left. Nothing out of the ordinary. Though, I did have to make two receipts for the beer guy because he was buying for a friend. Anyway, five minutes later, and while I'm calmly making friendly conversation with an elderly woman, the younger, hotter of the two comes back in. I'm expecting a 'You over charged me on the milk," but he stands next to the register, waits until the old woman finishes what she's saying and then hands me a business card. He says, "Hey, there's a party tonight if you want to come on by after you get off work. It's at Joe's house. I know you don't know who Joe is, but his number's on the card. Just call him up and ask for directions. See ya there." And then he walks out. I'm left standing there, holding the business card, just thinking, "eh?" Then the old woman says, and this, in my opinion, was the icing on the cake, "Looks like you got a hot date tonight." At which point I got considerably redder than my normal pinkish hue.
Fastforward to yesterday, when some random guy walked up to me and asked "When do you get off work tonight?" It was actually rather frightening. I didn't know him at all, and he was standing REALLY close to my green-vested self, and he smelled overwhelming like a pit at a rock concert.
The last one was tame enough, just some guy that overtly winked.
Anyway, these were just strange encounters that I felt were interesting enough to share.
I'm off to go make Chex Mix [side note to Gina & Jo: Here's a little something to jog your memory: {with a mouth full of Chex Mix} "Want some more sex [mix]?" Ahh, good memories.]
That is all.

Saturday, December 08, 2001

SHARA'S 6-month scheme
I would like to ask you guys for help!!! FOR ALL THOSE BEAUTIFULLY KNOWLEDGABLE PEOPLE esp. IN MUSIC!!! OKAY so for the past few months I've been trying to make this CD (it's a secret) w/ graduation songs on it for my class and EVERYONE will get it, by way of thiswritten on it:
"Class of 2002
Burn this CD & give it someone one that you love"
and so I need more songs & here are the ones I have already picked:
NOTE:Be open-minded this is for my WHOLE class so I"m trying to make it an all-around CD!!!(the first ones are for sure , the last ones I was sorta reaching for anything)
- Time of your life - Green Day
- Suncreeen - Baz Lahrmann
- In My Life - The Beatles
- I Will Remember You - Sarah McLachlan
- Here's to the Night - Eve 6
- Graduation Song - Vitamin C
- Closing Time - Semisonic
- Can I Graduate - Third Eye Blind
(These are only maybe's and the ones with * are more likely than the one's without)
- *Remember Me This Way - Jordan Hill
- GoodBye - Spice Girls
- Please Remember - Leanne Rimes
- These are the Moments - Edwin McCain
- Do you remember the Time - Michael Jackson
(These are ones I might put on there because "it is for someone you love")
- I turn to you - Christina Agulera
- Because you loved me - Celine Dion
- Ain't no maintain high enough - Marvin Gaye
- Can't take that away form me - Mariah Carey

yes so these are the ones I have so far and i would love your input!!! ones i should keep, take out, which ones are good or only iffy and BEST OF ALL any NEW ones!!! thanks for reading my crap and if you have any suggestions email me at starrysharie@yahoo.com and just put on the sublect headline "CD" and i'll know!!! THANK YOU!!!

noelle shut up!!! I DID NOT!!! (reply to 12/4/2001 Noelle Silva)

Friday, December 07, 2001


good luck with the new old school [gina wanted me to spell it with a k - as in skool -, but i refused] spiffy vans.
everyone wish my boss luck tonight, because he'll need it to keep me from killing him.
that's all for today, folks.

Alright, so this is exactly my fourth blog. How sad is that? Anyway, this is where *Katie's* invitation brought me to. Isn't this the same thing?? I am a bit confused.
so, I am really, really mad that the Retreat is cancelled. it is not cool for them to just cancel it when everyone is all psyched to go. I really needed that break too. i am working 22 hours this week, and 17 hours next week, and I just do not have the energy nor the desire to have to study for calculus and creative foods. i haven't also done any Christmas shopping whatsoever, and i don't think i will have any time to do any. this year has just been crazy, and it is not fair that the freakin retreat is cancelled!!!!!!
i hope everyone else is having a better week than me. my life sucks right now. i don't even have all my college apps done. alright, no more talking about school. katie and i have decided that we will market our own "friends" game. it will be the best game ever, and there will be quotes, like who said this, and a ton of other stuff! so what do you guys think?

gotta get back to work, i'll vent more later....

Well, crap. I just typed a rather lengthy message explaining the production of the new, individual pages. It was even rather witty. However, it got lost in the bustle of signing into the school system and has forever dissapeared. Long story short, the new pages that some of you got invites to are your own, to do with what you please. I'm using mine as a hosting place for my "I Might Love You If You . . ." list and maybe, time permitting, a mini biography.
Second in the post that I unfortunately did not post was about the retreat that's going to be at my house on Sunday. Lemme know if you're interested.
Lastly, was: Gina, I tried to call you yesterday, but your answering machine never picked up [you antisocial bastard]. I'll call ya from work to find out the results.
Later y'all.

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

Just for honesty's sake...What Noelle said was true. Shara did look up Angelina Jolie and got porn. I remember well, because that was the first time I spent the night at Noelle's house. The two of them, Shara & Noelle, left me all alone sleeping on the couch upstairs, while they went down to the den. When I woke up, I had absolutely NO IDEA where I was and there was a man [at that time, I could only hope that it was Noelley's dad] in Noelle's kitchen. Ahh, good times.
P.S. to Noelley: I mailed out your care package on Saturday. Did you get it yet?

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Hey guys...alright...so, Shara gave me an idea today and I'm going to take her up on it. Instead of EVERYONE posting all of their lists on one site [where all the posts would just start adding up and to get to a certain person's list, you'd have to scroll down through others' posts], I'm going to make EACH OF YOU your own blogger [or you can make your own at Blogger] We'll put links to each of our pages on the initial Random-Osity page and then it'll be nice and easy for everyone. So..moral of the story, no one post their I Might/Would Love You If Lists until I make a blogger for ya. Okay, thanks.
Bye Bye

Shara looked at internet porn of Angelina Jolie at my house one time, and when I caught her, she said it just "appeared" on the monitor when she went to the bathroom!

Here are a couple of pictures of him!!! Jesse Bradford
Here is a a head shot
A cute part in the movie Bring it on (scroll down)
Here are more of him in the movie this first one has my favorite part in it (the picture on the bottom left) Cliff1, Cliff2, Cliff 3 (scroll down), and also Huntley Ritter is cute too!!! (scroll down) ya well you know random as always -True to the name of the blog!!! k byee!!!

HI!!! I'm SHARA and I've never posted before but here I am now!!! WOOOHOOO!!! And so yes I LOVED this "I might love you if you. . . " I watched Bring it On again on Sunday as I had dinner at my grandma's house and I LOVE JESSE BRADFORD!!! A.K.A. "Cliff"!!! The first time I saw him was in a movie Hackers and if you haven't seen it YOU HAVE TO!!! Because Angelina Jolie is in it and she is my idol!!! I love her!!! And she kicks ass in that movie!!! It was the first time I saw her and her extremely hot, EX-husband (unfortunately) Johnny Lee Miller A.K.A."Dade Murphy" WoW did I go off on a tangent!!! Well, anyway Katie told me about this and showed me her list on Friday and I got a little sappy and then I saw Jesse A.K.A. "Cliff" all grown up in Bring it on and he was oh-so-feakin' cute <>. I thought he was perfect! And I got sappy again! So I started typing the "I Might Love You If You . . ." but mine was " I WOULD Love You If You . . ." and it isn't finished, it will be forever under construction and forever changing and many will be added on but I'll post it & bare my soul to you. This is pure shara without any of the masks we wear. This if me just typing whatever came to my head without edits so enjoy and know that this is the precedent for all of my other blogs - JUST STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART

P.S. I know this was so very crazy and not a very nice first post but hey it's like 1:00 in the morning and i just finished doing my a.p. econ project like 8 hours straight of econo-torture (and i had to like correct 4 words int his one sentence)

P.S.S. And I'll do an all about me later!!! K???